There are 5 repositories under nuclear-fusion topic.
OpenMC Monte Carlo Code
Stellarator Equilibrium and Optimization Suite
Simons Stellarator Optimizer Code
Project for an open-source python library for synthetic diagnostics and tomography for Fusion devices
A tokamak (nuclear fusion reactor) simulator with LSTM-based neural network (KSTAR-NN)
Bluemira is an integrated inter-disciplinary design tool for future fusion reactors. It incorporates several modules, some of which rely on other codes, to carry out a range of typical conceptual fusion reactor design activities.
A free, open-source Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) code for ion-material interactions including sputtering, implantation, and reflection
An interface for accelerated simulation of high-dimensional collisionless and electrostatic plasmas.
The Stepped-Pressure Equilibrium Code, an advanced MRxMHD equilibrium solver.
AI design of tokamak operation for autonomous control of fusion plasma.
List of interesting fusion open source projects
A tokamak power balance model with Python API and CLI
ITER Fusion Reactor Blanket Optimization for Tritium Breeding using OpenMC
PyTorch implementation of Neural Netowrk Differential Equation Plasma Equilibrium Solver.
A Deconvolutional Neural Network for Plasma Tomography
Funkční simulátor jaderné bomby a generátor náhodných faktů využitím otevřených dat z ČSÚ a NKODu
g-eqdsk reading and writing with identification and conversion between COCOS versions
A fast magnetohydrodynamic solver with buoyancy for OpenFOAM
Searching for transient MHD waves with python
Tally table is a simple GUI program which extracts user defined tallies from a MCNP output.
Associated repository for the "How close are we to creating a Nuclear FUSION power plant?" 15 minute discourse podcast on YouTube!
EuroPED-NN plasma pedestal model
Bachelorthesis about the Topic of Size Convergence of the ExB Staircase Pattern in Flux Tube Simulations of Ion Temperature Gradient Driven Turbulence
A simple simulation of the nuclear fusion occurring within a star.
TAIGA – Trajectory simulator of ABP Ions with GPU Acceleration
HAL, the Hybrid Artificial-Intelligence Layer, is the future of artificial intelligence. It's a layered approach that combines different AI techniques to create a more complex and adaptable system. HAL's layers work together to gather data from the environment, interpret it, learn from it, and make informed decisions based on that knowledge.
Masterthesis about the Topic of the Cancellation Problem in local gyrokinetic simulations using GKW
Density Manipulator & Bootstrap Calculator
Characterization of a new deep learning approach for data recovery in the Soft X-Ray fusion plasma diagnostics in RFX-mod
Small website that aims to make people interested in nuclear fusion
Bayesian optimization for KSTAR offline ramp-up feedforward control