Jaromir Kopp's repositories
Plugin to HomeBridge optimized to work with firmware Sonoff-Tasmota, MQTT.
ESP8266 (ESP8285) NON-OS library for HLW8012 and BL0937 energy meter chip
Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff POW hardware with firmware Sonoff-Tasmota via MQTT with log data to file. Partially emulate Elgato Eve Energy. Measure used power and write data to log text files.
Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff and Electrodragon Relay Board hardware and firmware [Sonoff-Tasmota](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota) via MQTT. It acts as a themperature monitor for DS18B20, DHT22, DHT11, AM2301, M2302 sensors. Also works with other accessories sending the temperature as a number (payload ex. 21.1).
ESP8266 library for ADE7953 energy measurement chip i2c
Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff hardware and firmware Sonoff-Tasmota via MQTT as Motion Sensor
Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff and Electrodragon Relay Board hardware and firmware Sonoff-Tasmota via MQTT with log temperature (periodical and 24 h min. and max.) to file. It acts as a themperature monitor for DS18B20, DHT22, DHT11, AM2301, AM2302 and other sensors.
Plugin to HomeBridge optimized for work with Itead Sonoff and Electrodragon Relay Board hardware and firmware Sonoff-Tasmota via MQTT. It acts as an Relative Humidity (and temperature) for DHT22, DHT11, AM2301, AM2302 sensors.
Function that allow multiple write to flash memory with a significantly reduced number of erase cycles. NR_OF_BLOCKS = 2 (8KB), LENGHT_IN_32BIT_WORDS = 2 (8 Bytes) are 1024 write of 6 Bytes user data for one erase cycle!
The ESP32 wireless receiver for 315/433 MHz ASK modules based on ESP-IDF SDK.
Air quality logging for the ESP8266 running esp-open-rtos
Library for MAX31855 and MAX6675 Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter writen for ESP8266, ESP8285 NON-OS native SDK, but should work with Arduino and FreeRTOS.
HomeBridge plugin to show daily maximum temperature.. It requires: [**[homebridge-mqtt-temperature-log-tasmota]**](https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-mqtt-temperature-log-tasmota).
HomeBridge plugin to show daily minimal temperature.. It requires: [**[homebridge-mqtt-temperature-log-tasmota]**](https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-mqtt-temperature-log-tasmota).
Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE