There are 1 repository under n-api topic.
node-webrtc is a Node.js Native Addon that provides bindings to WebRTC M87
High performance skia binding to Node.js. Zero system dependencies and pure npm packages without any postinstall scripts nor node-gyp.
⭐️ The native node.js bindings to the Tesseract OCR project.
Bacardi project is an effort to provide multi-language binding for Node.js native layer.
Automatic generation of N-API wrapper from a C++ library
Write NodeJS native extensions in Nim
Native Node module, that wraps WinRT APIs responsible for in-app purchases
Go library for building Node.js Native Addons using Node-API
NodeJS - native macOS process list loader
A more convenient, type-safe and boilerplate-less way to write Node.js C++ addons.
💪🔢🔒 bigint-hash: Hashing for TC39 BigInt Proposal
electron use n-api extend native interface.
Node v8.x N-API asynchronous Promise example addon
Node v8.x N-API asynchronous callback example addon
Native Image loader for Node.js
node-addon-api for HarmonyOS/HarmonyNext
A native Node.js module to interface with the HX711 load cell amplifier
Node.JS With Steroids - Make Better Node.js Application with Native Add-Ons