There are 11 repositories under musicplayer topic.
A self hosted music streaming server
Json 数据驱动,音乐播放组件
LyricView is a powerful and flexible custom view to display lyrics within music player under Android
A Clean · Full Dynamic Color Reborn · Foobar2000 player
Implemented using Clean Arch, MVVM, LiveData, Room, Koin, Coil, Service, Notification and ExoPlayer
A 3rd party Bilibili audio player / 一个Bilibili第三方音频播放器
A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. This is Also The Source Code of The UserBot Which is Playing Music in @S1-BOTS Support Group ❤️
Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample
一款可用于音乐播放器的悬浮菜单按钮(A floating music menu)
:full_moon_with_face: just a music player
YouTube automator bringing you your music right on your CLI.
This Is Advanced Version Of Old Radio Player, An Telegram Bot to Play Radio/Music in Channel or Group Voice Chats.
A minimal, mobile-ready, album-centered music client for subsonic compatible music servers.
Play audio files (.wav) via the system bus of your computer and pickup with an AM radio
♫♪ Music Player🎸 is a simple project developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. This project is an interesting project for listening to our self-made songs collection app. The user can click the Forward play, Backward play, Playlist loop and Shuffle music buttons to change the songs. 🎵
Raccoon Music Player is a pocket-sized music player that shows raccoons dancing around a campfire while songs are playing.
展示利用MediaSession播放框架,如何构建音乐播放器demo: MusicPlayer;以及如何通过第三方APP(MusicClient)来展示MusicPlayer的播放内容,并进行远端播放控制。典型应用场景:手机音乐APP投射到车载蓝牙音乐上,并进行交互;Carlife;手机音乐APP与各种蓝牙音箱交互。
一起听 - 基于.NET MAUI 、 .NET MAUI Blazor开发的多平台、极简的在线音乐播放器。
A beautiful PWA music player built using React that plays copyright free chillpop songs!
A beautifully designed music player app for android.
Android SquareLoadersPack - a replacement of default android material progressbar with square and rectangle loaders
A free audio/sound management system for Unity with automatic library management & more!