There are 1 repository under mtga topic.
Magic the Gathering: Arena related stuff (Card collection export)
Magic: The Gathering mulligan and card draw simulator
Website that takes list of cards as an input and shows how much you should spend to build every MTG Tier deck. Support for MTGA included.
Simple Magic The Gathering Arena Launcher for Linux
Magic: the Gathering Arena Promo Codes
Machine learning models and tools for "Magic: The Gathering Arena" data published by 17lands.
Project: MTG Training Ground — A dynamic platform for experimenting with AI and ML techniques, designed to train artificial agents for strategic mastery in "Magic: The Gathering" gameplay!
Collection Manager - Use your browser to instantly analyze your MTG Arena collection. No downloads. No loading.
Parser for MTG: Arena output_log.txt file.
Sometimes I find time to play CCGs and write a couple of notes on the material I studied. This repository stores information about various concepts and mechanics of various CCGs (Gwent, MTG, etc.), which I learned on streams, on reddit and in the game itself.
The docker image that allows you to play Magic The Gathering Arena on Linux
Cross-platform Magic The Gathering Arena collection and deck tracker.
The user interface client tracker that handles local parsing to send data to
Transform a Magic the Gathering Arena collection export made with mtga-tracker-daemon to a ManaBox compatible import
🎲 Emulate packet "draft" from MTGA Jump In! with MTG Jumpstart.
CLI script that parses file from and upload Magic The Gathering Arena cards into Redis
Web extension to personalize the MTG netdeck on your clipboard with your preferred card styles.
Originated as way to manage Magic The Gathering decks on MGTA so that I knew which decks were performing the best and which decks should be deleted.
Web-based deck viewer for Magic: the Gathering and Lorcana.
Currently working on a website to show the data collected.
Display prices as (CAD$) Canadian Dollars.
Display prices as (CAD$) Canadian Dollars.
MTG Arena Jump In! Packets Json Data
Display prices as (CAD$) Canadian Dollars.