There are 4 repositories under long-tail topic.
Pytorch implementation for "Large-Scale Long-Tailed Recognition in an Open World" (CVPR 2019 ORAL)
[ICML 2021, Long Talk] Delving into Deep Imbalanced Regression
[NeurIPS 2020] Semi-Supervision (Unlabeled Data) & Self-Supervision Improve Class-Imbalanced / Long-Tailed Learning
🛠️ Class-imbalanced Ensemble Learning Toolbox. | 类别不平衡/长尾机器学习库
[ECCV 2022] Multi-Domain Long-Tailed Recognition, Imbalanced Domain Generalization, and Beyond
Papers about long-tailed tasks
ResLT: Residual Learning for Long-tailed Recognition (TPAMI 2022)
Pytorch implementation of Feature Generation for Long-Tail Classification by Rahul Vigneswaran, Marc T Law, Vineeth N Balasubramaniam and Makarand Tapaswi
[DALI 2022] "Long-Tailed Classification of Thorax Diseases on Chest X-Ray: A New Benchmark Study" by Gregory Holste, Song Wang, Ziyu Jiang, Thomas C. Shen, Ronald M. Summers, Yifan Peng, and Zhangyang Wang
🔥[ICML 2024, Official Code] First work to propose a solution to the long-tail problem in IAA. 首篇针对IAA中的长尾问题提出解决方案的工作
Adversarial learning framework to enhance long-tail recommendation in Neural Collaborative Filtering
Temperature Schedules for self-supervised contrastive methods on long-tail data (ICLR'23)
[NeurIPS'24] The official implementation code of LLM-ESR.
🐝 Explore Trending Long-Tail Papers at CVPR and ICCV
The souce code of MICCAI'23 paper: Combat Long-tails in Medical Classification with Relation-aware Consistency and Virtual Features Compensation
simple liquidation bot for tribe3 v1 beta
Perform distribution analysis on heavy-tailed distributed data
[Ecological Informatics] TensorFlow implementation for the paper "Bag of tricks for long-tail visual recognition of animal species in camera-trap images"
Official HitTail Wordpress plugin
The items are recommended to customers after using an expenditure appetite filter on top of the collaborative filtering.
[MIUA 2024 Oral] JointViT: Modeling Oxygen Saturation Levels with Joint Supervision on Long-Tailed OCTA