There are 0 repository under loggers topic.
Management Endpoints used to allow insight into your applications
A Layer 2 framework for OSLog which makes its adoption more easier⌨️
Golang API Boilerplate using chi router, gorm, logrus
A simple yet effective logging library for C++
Python colored print plus storing it into a file.
Explore Singleton Pattern implementation in Logger class library in C#.NET
Library to easily print log messages based on severity. Severity can be changed dynamically and independently for piece of code.
SameLogger is an Logger to handle and save (Error/Input) stream of all executable files!
Simple Serilog http server. Set your serilog http enricher to this and enjoy exploring your logs on your own server/hosting workspace
Exploring log4j alternatives, as log4j is inherently vulnerable by design
A nodejs application to demonstrate client-server communication model through exposing REST calls.
This repo contains a comprehensive tutorial on Python with implementations.
Lwlogger is a c++ lightweight logger hence its name. With him you could debug your programs, save a trace of your programs and resolve bugs.
I tried to use serilog library in logging to file and sql server
📑 Lightweight, fully configurable and open source log library written in Go. Supports multiple inputs, and easily customized outputs with value masks for all types.
Complete Selenium-TestNg hybrid automation framework project from scratch. This Project covers functionalities like POM scripts, Excel data-driven FW, Extent Reports, runner files, etc
This is helpful repository for beginners who is trying to understand TDD framework
Leveling Up the Python With Advance Concept
Loggers can be used to sample both variables and events, these can be localized too
Library server + nodejs (express) + typescript + zod + postgresql
Intelligent Agent Systems to analyze logs in real time and make decisions
It is Extension of UserManagementApp we here calling UserManagementApp rest endpoints from UserManagementClient implementing RestTemplate using exchangeMethod(),Kindly refer the ReadmeFile in MainBranch,Further in RestTemplate we have other methods to implement communication between 2 Services
loggy is a minimalist logging library for Go that provides configurable logging with multiple severity levels, formatted messages, caller location tracking, and thread-safe operations. It is designed to be lightweight and highly customizable to suit various logging needs.
Fast logger with lots of settings and cool output🌀
The GitHub repository "backend_logger" is a simple Spring Boot project that incorporates file logging using Thymeleaf for front-end rendering. It provides a basic implementation of logging functionalities in a Spring Boot web application, and likely includes configuration for Logback or other logging frameworks. The project utilizes Java 11, Spring