There are 4 repositories under console-log topic.
Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ╭┈╯ for NodeJS, browsers and terminal, no dependencies
Frontend Wingman, Learn frontend faster!
Log all assignments and the return value of a function with a simple comment
Filter out unwanted `console.log()` output
🦒 Beautiful Logger for Node.js: the best alternative to the console.log statement
Displays logs and Javascript errors in an overlay on top of your site. Useful for mobile webdevelopment. Enabled in 5 seconds
Better, prettier commandline logging for Python--with colors! :ghost:
A rust logger that routes messages to the browser's console.
A CSharp library that gives you better console handling for that classic ASCII look.
A small babel plugin that wraps console.logs inside a with surrounding function name
:rocket: A Node.js lib to beautify the console.log from JavaScript with colors, making it easier and useful. :heart:
A modern logging library for Node.js that provides log level mapping to the console
Add the file name and line numbers to all console logs.
The iOS side displays the output log log on the screen, and can generate log file sharing, which is convenient for debugging information when the real machine is not connected to xcode. iOS端将输出日志log悬浮显示在屏幕上,可以生成日志文件分享,便于在真机没有连接xcode的情况下调试信息
The collection of Javascript / JScript / VBScript extensions, tools and more
🏆 Elegant, fancy console logger for Crystal
Easily mock NodeJS process properties in Jest.
Captures console.log's into a Vue Component
A universal JSON logger that plugs in to the existing `console.log` native function. console.log() anything and have the output be formatted to single line JSON, including stack traces, so that it can be easily parsed by tool such as LogDNA or other log ingestion service that reads JSON.
Angular library that displays cool messages in console.
Subscribe to the browser's console output.