There are 0 repository under itb topic.
Flattened Device Tree Viewer written in Qt.
Berisi Kumpulan latihan soal haskell Dasar Pemrograman TPB STEI
IF1210: Dasar Pemrograman | ITB
Фронтенд-контейнер для авторизации на фриланс-бирже ITB. Реализованы регистрация, вход и восстановление пароля. Валидация форм, адаптивный дизайн. Используются React, Zod, Axios, Tailwind CSS.
Repositori berkas praktikum pemrograman selama di STEI ITB.
Frontend for Explorer Robot IF4051 IoT System Development Project
This repository aims to get all of available matakuliah and dosen information from all of prodi and facutly in ITB for Dosen Rank Project. Built using python
LaTeX template for final year project report at Physics ITB
Berisikan referensi pembelajaran berupa file soal dan pembahasan praktikum Alstrukdat IF2111
Berisikan referensi pembelajaran berupa file soal dan pembahasan praktikum Dasar Pemrograman IF1210.
Tareas o actividades realizadas para los cursos del Instituto Superior Universitario Bolivariano (ITB) para la carrera de Desarrollo de Software.
Repository ini merupakan hasil tugas besar Alstrukdat STI 2021 IF2111.
ITB Staff Data Scraping Script The script is a Python script for scraping staff data from the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) website. It uses the BeautifulSoup library to parse web pages and extract information about staff members, including their names, expertise, school/faculty, titles, education history, and email ad
Web Scraping with Python This Python script performs web scraping on a website to extract links, emails, and WhatsApp links from the specified domain ( It uses the requests library to fetch web pages and BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML content.
IF4021 - Modsim - Tubes 2
🏠🔥 Warteg FRS Scheduler's public repository (est. 2024)
NIM Finder for ITB students (front end); created using React with Next.js
An Odoo 10 module which generates BAN-PT accreditation reports for STEI ITB from existing data.