There are 0 repository under intel-tbb topic.
Parallel matrix multiplication using Intel TBB library
Parallel N-Body Simulator: 2D Simulations of dynamical systems of particles are often used in physics to predict behavior of planets, stars, galaxies, gas particles... The interaction between particles is described by physically sound equations and ”integrated” in time to predict the outcome of the simulation.
TestU01 library using Intel-TBB
3D Parallel (Intel TBB) N-Body Simulator in OpenGL. Two versions: Naive n-body and Barnes-Hut.
DFT and FFT using Intel TBB
Machine learning/inference desktop suite written in MFC/C++, demonstrates AI machine learning, uses machine learning inference to resize/blend/morph images, more details can be found here:
Unix Network Programming, IPC, Multithreading. Libevent, Libev, Libuv, Boost.Asio. OpenMP, Intel TBB, MPI
Parallel Pattern-Defeating Quicksort with Intel® oneAPI Thread Building Blocks.
Forward propagation of a multi-layer perceptron using Intel TBB