There are 1 repository under imaging-solutions topic.
A module with convenience functions for writing Python code that interacts with OMERO.
A dataset for loading zarr files to be used in machine learning training pipelines
Medulla RMM is a radically simple IT automation and lifecycle management tool that offers the ability to handle repetitive tasks, quickly deploy applications, operating system and proactively manage them all where ever they are.
A relabeling tool for tiled segmentation with Dask
A module and scripts for working with OMERO
Tutorials for using scikit-image, written for The Jackson Laboratory
material for the "OMERO for developers" workshop.
A deep learning model for histological image compression and decompression
Tools to visualize HCS data stored in zarr files
code and data for 'Intermediate Image Analysis - Images as Signals' workshop
Making it easier for users to spin up a Singularity container with image analysis tools from a slurm-based cluster
Container for preprocessing slides using HistoQC
U-Net model for glomeruli segmentation in Whole Slide Images
ROMI library controlling the PlantImager (hardware) or the VirtualPlantImager (Blender) to acquire images of (virtual) single potted plants.
Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) codec for image compression and storing in NGFF (Zarr) format.
Repo for generating OMERO reports/dashboards
Notebooks for the workshop Advanced Machine learning with Python
Automatically generating bounding boxes for OMERO slidescans
Simultaneous Nuclear Instance Segmentation and Classification in H&E Histology Images.
Script for generating annotation keys for KOMP images in OMERO
Repo with the inner workings for a container-based LAMA workflow.
Code for deploying a dashboard for OMERO using flask and plotly
an example script to create MapAnnotations for wells in a plate based on a csv file
An algorithm to sub-divide polygons that self-overlap
TWAIN Scanning SDK for 64 bit and 32 bit MS Access, VB.NET, C#, Delphi and Visual C++ and 32 bit Visual Basic 6 and VFP.