There are 1 repository under ifb topic.
Parser for iCalendar Events • PHP 8+, 7 (≥ 7.4), 5 (≥ 5.6)
The Bible in JSON format.
بررسی و دریافت اطلاعات اختیار معاملات بورس تهران و فرابورس ایران | Options on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) and IranFarabourse (IFB)
An open source API allowing you to use the Webster's 1828 dictionary.
اطلاعات تمامی نمادهای اختیار معامله منتشر شده در بورس تهران و فرابورس ایران
The Discord bot for the Cross Crusaders Discord server.
IFB Clouds Federation for Life Science
This is a json and a txt file containing every verse in the King James Bible that contains a pilcrow.
Just a run down of what I've done and am doing.
Antimicrobial Peptide web Database built with Django. Decreasing research costs to new antibiotics.
Estudos em portugol para a matéria de Lógica em Programação 1