There are 0 repository under guesture topic.
List posts with infinite scroll from Google Blogger API in MVVM architecture, and using SwiftUI to design like Medium iOS App, which could read, search, save, comment posts, and so many excellent features!
FORGestureTrackDisplay is debug tool to displaying and tracking all kinds of gustures when user touch the screen.
An iOS Game designed with SwiftUI, that user could play with a medium level computer, change pieces color, store score in AppStorage.
About It is a Hill Climb Racing Game Controller. The game runs as we move our hand in front of the Primary Camera.
This is an Android application that predicts the users video gestures of American Sign Language using decision tree algorithm
Small video game prototype where you need to guess what hand guestures to make into your webcam based on iconic music playing.
This repository contains code for TinyML deployed on RP2040 MCU