There are 0 repository under graphhopper topic.
Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server.
🌎 Python library to access all public routing, isochrones and matrix APIs in a consistent manner.
GraphHopper Maps - Open Source Route Planner UI
GraphHopper Navigation as App
iOS Port of the GraphHopper road routing engine
Sample CVRP Application using Kotlin + Optaplanner/Timefold/Jsprit/Or-Tools/Jenetics + Graphhopper + Spring Boot + Apache Camel + Jooq + Websockets
GraphHopper Navigation Example using the Maplibre Android SDK
An R Interface to the graphhopper API
Public README for our proprietary solution to make arbitrary datasets (e.g. TomTom/HERE) routable with FOSS routing engines.
This project is continued at Proxy to convert Graphhopper Directions API responses to Mapbox API Responses
QGIS plugin for displaying GraphHopper isochrones
Proxy to convert Graphhopper Directions API responses to Mapbox API Responses
The Scheduling API is designed to optimize the route of a trip with multiple stops.
A small Java tool to mapmatch Floating Car Data and import it as Linestring ZM (x, y, speed, time) to PostGIS
Add-on for Locus Map application that allows to use GraphHopper library for offline routing (navigation).
This routing service requires a latitude and longitude input for two locations to calculate the shortest route in between. The routing is based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
🗺 The GraphHopper Routing API wrapped in an easy-to-use Swift framework.
Routing API for cargobikes. Based on GraphHopper with own Weighting.
Calls the graphhopper API from postgres/postgis!
This is platform independent open source navigation service based on OpenStreetMap
Offline map on Android with best routes search using graphhopper and mapforge
Simple reachability analysis (isochrones)
App for Trajectories Map Matching
An Android NDK sample that uses libgraphhopper (native code from GraalVM)
Kubernetes Helm Chart for Graphhopper
My undergrad senior thesis
Under certain set of assumptions the algorithm implemented merges the individual trip requests into 4-Pax, 3-Pax, 2-Pax trips & finds the remaining unmerged trips while considering the rider's social preferences. Evaluation is done in terms of distance savings under these considerations. A real spatio-temporal data of around 1 million trip requests was collected & cleaned from NYC TLC's website & a simulated dataset of rider's preferences was considered.
🔍 The GraphHopper Geocoding API wrapped in an easy-to-use Swift framework.
A web-based platform for seamless courier booking, management, and real-time tracking. Built with React.js (frontend) and Java Spring Boot (backend), using MySQL for data storage. Integrates the GraphHopper API for accurate billing and the EmailJS API for automated admin support emails. Enhances efficiency, tra
The web application for planning cycling trips around Krakow and the surrounding area.
An interactive app that allows users to find and visualize routes between two locations using the GraphHopper Routing API and OpenStreetMap.
Final Degree Project: Optimization of Truck Logistics Web Service in collaboration with Monentia & University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Chrome extension that automatically displays driving distance and time from your configured locations to properties listed on Idealista, using the GraphHopper API.