There are 14 repositories under graph-mining topic.
Papers about pretraining and self-supervised learning on Graph Neural Networks (GNN).
A pytorch adversarial library for attack and defense methods on images and graphs
Papers about graph transformers.
Papers about explainability of GNNs
Awesome graph anomaly detection techniques built based on deep learning frameworks. Collections of commonly used datasets, papers as well as implementations are listed in this github repository. We also invite researchers interested in anomaly detection, graph representation learning, and graph anomaly detection to join this project as contributors and boost further research in this area.
Implementation of the KDD 2020 paper "Graph Structure Learning for Robust Graph Neural Networks"
Distributed Temporal Graph Analytics with Apache Flink
Implementation of the paper "Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data".
Python implementation of frequent subgraph mining algorithm gSpan. Directed graphs are supported.
Implementation of the paper "NetGAN: Generating Graphs via Random Walks".
Papers about out-of-distribution generalization on graphs.
Implementation of the paper "Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning".
Papers on Graph Analytics, Mining, and Learning
Python Implementation for Random Walk with Restart (RWR)
GraMi is a novel framework for frequent subgraph mining in a single large graph, GraMi outperforms existing techniques by 2 orders of magnitudes. GraMi supports finding frequent subgraphs as well as frequent patterns, Compared to subgraphs, patterns offer a more powerful version of matching that captures transitive interactions between graph nodes (like friend of a friend) which are very common in modern applications. Also, GraMi supports user-defined structural and semantic constraints over the results, as well as approximate results. For more details, check our paper: Mohammed Elseidy, Ehab Abdelhamid, Spiros Skiadopoulos, and Panos Kalnis. GRAMI: Frequent Subgraph and Pattern Mining in a Single Large Graph. PVLDB, 7(7):517-528, 2014.
A lightweight implementation of Walklets from "Don't Walk Skip! Online Learning of Multi-scale Network Embeddings" (ASONAM 2017).
Implementation of paper "Self-supervised Learning on Graphs:Deep Insights and New Directions"
A collection of open-source and free machine learning resources
An alternative implementation of Recursive Feature and Role Extraction (KDD11 & KDD12)
A curated list of awesome graph representation learning.
Implementation of the WSDM 2021 paper "Node Similarity Preserving Graph Convolutional Networks"
:family: Social Network Analysis Papers
Companion repository for the KDD'18 hands-on tutorial on Higher-Order Data Analytics for Temporal Network Data
Core streaming heterogeneous graph clustering and anomaly detection code (KDD 2016)
Overlapping community detection in Large-Scale Networks using BigCLAM model build on Apache Spark
Top-K Influential Nodes in Social Networks: A Game Perspective (SIGIR'17)
Implementation of FusedMM method for IPDPS 2021 paper titled "FusedMM: A Unified SDDMM-SpMM Kernel for Graph Embedding and Graph Neural Networks"
The source code of a community detection method in dynamic networks for paper "IncNSA: Detecting communities incrementally from time-evolving networks based on node similarity".
This repository collects recent top papers about knowledge-aware recommendations. We will keep updating the paper list weekly.
[ICML'24] BAT: 🚀 Boost Class-imbalanced Node Classification with <10 lines of Code | 从拓扑视角出发10行代码改善类别不平衡节点分类
Pytorch implementation of gnn meta attack (mettack). Paper title: Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning.
"Explainable classification of brain networks via contrast subgraphs" - T. Lanciano, F. Bonchi, A. Gionis