There are 1 repository under fortune-mod topic.
Implementation of the Unix fortune command for displaying a random quotation, for Linux and other systems.
An API for the classic fortune command-line utility (in the fortune-mod package)
Collection of quotes we like. Inspired to create this project by Hamlet D'Arcy and Dale Manthei.
A collection of various Phate-isms and Tredixions.
Craft fortunes using Ollama
German fortune cookie database based on Lao-Tse's jewel of wisdom "Tao Te King"
Implementation of the Unix fortune command for displaying a random quotation, for Linux and other systems.
Quotations from M'Aiq the Liar as fortune cookies
Restores the deprecated `-a` and `-o` options to the Homebrew fortune command.
Une Liste de Citations en Français pour Fortune-Mod
Tyler Durden quotes for fortune-mod
Пакет цитат Тайлера Дердена на русском для fortune-mod
Reconstruction of fortune(6)'s source history
A tool to generate fortune cookies from
Quotes from samantha (and OS1) from the movie Her
A no-nonsense fortune-mod replacement written in C#