There are 3 repositories under fortune topic.
Implementation of the Unix fortune command for displaying a random quotation, for Linux and other systems.
The Tao of Unix Programming (Ruby-powered ANSI colored fortunes)
The ultimate spinning wheel view that supports dynamic content and rich customization.
:zap: motivate :zap: - A simple script to print random motivational quotes. Highly influenced by linux command fortune.
Visualize random selections with Flutter widgets like the wheel of fortune.
Fortune spinning wheel that supports custom drawing.
Fortune 500 company lists since 1955 in CSV format, mostly parsed using Beautiful Soup
My personal collection of Fortune files
The One Vein-Miner-Datapack: Minecraft Java Versions 1.13/1.14/1.15/1.16/1.17
Go package and example utilities for using Ollama / LLMs
Like the cow, but it's a cat (and has many more options)
A customizable and flexible fortune wheel for vue3
A script for generating fortune cookie from the the funniest and most offensive stuff collected off the Internet.
An API for the classic fortune command-line utility (in the fortune-mod package)
Fortune data files from historical Unix versions
🔮Fortune is your friendly CSS properties framework.
Print a random, hopefully interesting, adage (FULL BSD fortune re-implementation in Python)
A simple script that displays ASCII arts in Terminal at bash login.
Enhanced homebrew fortune formula
Some bash scripts for making one developer's life a little bit wiser through fortune :) feel free to contribute.
🦁 CLI app and NPM library that calculates the personality from the birthday; since 2020.2
Random greetings by fortune, cowsay, ponysay or pokemonsay
Collection of quotes we like. Inspired to create this project by Hamlet D'Arcy and Dale Manthei.
A collection of various Phate-isms and Tredixions.