There are 1 repository under focal topic.
(Yes, the project is still alive 😃) This procedure shows how to create a bootable and installable Ubuntu Live (along with the automatic hardware detection and configuration) from scratch. A Linux to call your own.
A dependency free utility for cropping images based on a focus point ~2.13kB gzipped
Install the latest Certbot in a breeze. Great for Ubuntu Focal 20.04, and other Linux/Mac.
Gisola: A High Performance Computing application for real-time Moment Tensor inversion
Lobe Segmentation
Ubuntu Desktop running Openbox/Xfce4/i3 in VNC/RDP
React Architecture Tree View
Classify output of AmpliconArchitect to detect types of focal amplifications present
Label Smoothing applied in Focal Loss
files for [build-pxe-server-and-autoinstall-ubuntu-server]
lxd + k8s + nfs-server + metallb "fully" automated
A fork of the Python PDP-8 emulator with added blinkenlights and teletype sounds. Needs PyGame.
Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) Install Script
Focal point for your images
Add focal point alignment of images to your Alpine 3.x components with a custom directive.
MobileNet, SSD and Focal Loss Framework
Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) container capable to use systemd, for Ansible role and playbook testing.
A set of python scripts for spatially explicit accuracy assessments of binary, gridded geospatial data, e.g., for human settlement data mapping built-up (1) and not built-up (0) areas.
🐳 Docker image with Ubuntu 20.04, Node.js v16, PHP 8.1, Google Chrome
The original Lunar Lander from 1969 by Jim Storer
Few programs in RPN/FOCAL (HP41) for ellipse perimeter calculation and isoperimeter points calculation in the area (0-pi/2). Some calculations are made by infinite series or convergence series (AGM and MAGM). Some calculations are made with modified cycloids or modified conics. The concept of cosinus elliptique is introduced. One program in python for graphic representation of 3D isoperimetrics (a and b in X-Y and perimeter in Z).
Tinkerbell Ubuntu workflow
Robust Getis-Ord G and G* statistic devised by Julian Bruns (2018). Reduces spatial scale effects by modifying the global parameter.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) Docker container for Azure Pipelines agent.
My notes from the courses on ibiology - Microscopy Series
Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) 探索筆記