There are 8 repositories under fastapi-crud topic.
This is a project template which uses FastAPI, Pydantic 2.0, Alembic and async SQLModel as ORM. It shows a complete async CRUD using authentication and role base access control.
Single Page App with FastAPI and Vue.js
Generate CRUD methods in FastApi from an SQLAlchemy schema
👏fastapi deeply integrates with supabase,auth,curd postgresql,file upload ,etc , all in one😎,inspired by full stack fastapi postgresql
Example CRUD API in Python using FastAPI, Pydantic and pyMongo
Python clean architecture and usecase implementation with fastapi and pydiator-core
This article will teach you how to create a CRUD RESTful API with Python, FastAPI, PyMongo, MongoDB, and Docker-compose to perform the basic Create/Read/Update/Delete operations against a database.
Backend template using FastAPI, but framework-agnostic by design. Implements Clean Architecture and CQRS with DDD-inspired patterns, featuring clearly separated layers and dependency inversion. Includes session-based authentication using cookies and role-based access control with permissions and hierarchical roles.
This article will teach you how to create a CRUD RESTful API with Python, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy ORM, Pydantic, Alembic, PostgreSQL, and Docker-compose to perform the basic Create/Read/Update/Delete operations against a database.
E-commerce API with FastAPI , tortoise orm, jwt
In this article, I'll provide you with a simple and straightforward guide on how you can build a CRUD app with FastAPI and SQLAlchemy. The FastAPI app will run on a Starlette web server, use Pydantic for data validation, and store data in an SQLite database.
Testing a FastAPI CRUID API using Pytest
File architecture for FastApi app
A basic Application with multiple functionalities built with FastAPI aim to help Users Buy New Items Provided using PaypalAPI :rocket:
FastAPI + PostgreSQL Starter Kit: A streamlined template for building backends with FastAPI, PostgreSQL, and Docker.
This is a simple REST API built with Python and FastAPI and SQLAlchemy for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on users. FastAPI is a powerful web framework for building APIs.
Interact with Tile38 in-memory geodatabase in your FastAPI
Full-stack Vue3 and FastAPI built To-Do app
FastAPI Notes Example using databases and postgresql
This project is just a showcase on how to use Python as backend for flutter application and deploy them using heroku.
This is a simple example of how to use Python FastAPI to create a simple authentication system based on phone number with SMS verification. We used SQLite as a database. (Login, Register, Auth, Panel, Whoiam, Hi)
FastAPI backend enterprise template
FastAPI CRUD API with Deta Base (and optionally Deta Micros)
this is a simple demonstration of fast api usage with authentication
FastAPI Template
Python FastAPI Framework with Mongodb Scaffold Template.
Various templates and samples with FastAPI
Invoice back-end application which uses FastAPI, Alembic and async SQLModel as ORM
Do you want to know your net worth ?!
A starting template for an HTTP API in FastAPI
fastpay_connect — это проект для демонстрации интеграции различных платёжных систем через FastAPI. В проекте реализованы интеграции с популярными платёжными шлюзами, такими как: ЮKassa (бывшая Яндекс.Касса), Tinkoff Касса, CloudPayments, UnitPay, Робокасса