sali72 / my-net-worth

Do you want to know your net worth ?!

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comsali72/my-net-worthRepository from Github https://github.comsali72/my-net-worth

My Net Worth App API

My Net Worth is a personal financial manager and planner application designed to help users keep track of their assets and currencies, calculate their net worth, and manage their financial transactions. The application supports various asset types and currencies, including fiat and cryptocurrencies, allowing users to have a comprehensive view of their financial status.

The app is currently live for demo on this link:

❗Your first request will be slow because the app spins down with inactivity (It's about deploying on render)

Table of Contents


  • Asset Management: Keep track of all your assets, including customizable asset types.
  • Currency Support: Manage currencies with support for fiat and cryptocurrencies.
  • Net Worth Calculation: Easily calculate your net worth based on your assets and currency holdings.
  • Customizable Currencies and Asset Types: Define your own currencies and asset types to suit your needs.
  • Wallet Management: Create and manage multiple wallets with different currencies.
  • Transaction History: Record, view, and manage your financial transactions.
  • User Authentication: Secure user registration and authentication system.
  • Enhanced Security:
    • Nginx reverse proxy
    • HTTPS encryption
    • Rate limiting protection
    • CORS security
    • Request size limitations


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Docker: Docker Engine installed on your system
  • Docker Compose: Docker Compose V2 installed
  • Git: Version control system to clone the repository
  • SSL Certificates: Valid SSL certificates for HTTPS (required for production)


  1. Clone the Repository
git clone
cd my-net-worth
  1. Deploy with Docker Compose
docker-compose up --build

This command will:

  • Build the application container
  • Start the MongoDB service
  • Configure the network between containers
  • Start the application with Nginx reverse proxy


  1. Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the project root directory:

# DB config

# App config
  1. SSL Configuration

Place your SSL certificates in:

  • /etc/nginx/ssl/certs/fullchain.pem
  • /etc/nginx/ssl/private/privkey.pem

Security Features

The application implements several security measures using Nginx:

  • SSL/TLS: Ensures encrypted data transmission
  • Rate Limiting: Protects against brute force attacks and DoS attempts
  • CORS Protection: Controls which domains can access the API
  • Request Limitations: Prevents oversized payload attacks
  • Proxy Protection: Maintains request integrity behind reverse proxy

API Documentation

Once the application is running, access the interactive API documentation at:

  • URL: https://localhost/docs

Note: All API endpoints are served over HTTPS only.

Usage Examples

Register a New User

POST /auth/register
Content-Type: application/json

  "username": "johndoe",
  "email": "",
  "password": "strongpassword123",
  "base_currency_id": "currency_id_123"

Log In

POST /auth/login
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Get User Net Worth

GET /user-app-data/net-worth
Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_token

Create a New Wallet

POST /wallets
Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_token
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "My Savings Wallet",
  "type": "fiat",
  "balances_ids": [
      "currency_id": "currency_id_123",
      "amount": "1000.00"


The API uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication.

  • Obtaining a Token: Use the /auth/login endpoint with your credentials
  • Using the Token: Include the token in the Authorization header:
    Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_token

Error Handling

Errors are returned with appropriate HTTP status codes and a JSON response:

  "exception_name": "HTTPException",
  "detail": "Invalid credentials"


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contact Information

For questions or feedback, please reach out:

Navigation Panel

For more technical details look at other readme files: