There are 3 repositories under fastapi-auth topic.
FastAPI-User-Auth is a simple and powerful FastAPI user RBAC authentication and authorization library. Based on FastAPI-Amis-Admin and provides a freely extensible visual management interface.
Backend template using FastAPI, but framework-agnostic by design. Implements Clean Architecture and CQRS with DDD-inspired patterns, featuring clearly separated layers and dependency inversion. Includes session-based authentication using cookies and role-based access control with permissions and hierarchical roles.
An example fastapi-user-auth application
This is a simple example of how to use Python FastAPI to create a simple authentication system based on phone number with SMS verification. We used SQLite as a database. (Login, Register, Auth, Panel, Whoiam, Hi)
CaX: Applied GenAI Multi User Todo GPT App - Implementation of Microservices GenUI Architecture.
Various templates and samples with FastAPI
Powerful and Secure FastAPI Authentication Service ⚡
FastAPI boilerplate for quickstart with SQLAlchemy, Alembic and JWT authentication.
Simple FastAPI that implements JWT authentication
Auth0 Token Verifier for FastAPI Authorization
Production-ready API key management
This microservice provides endpoints for user authentication and management.
Модуль 12. Авторизація та Аутентифікація