Amanastel / Hotel-Management-Microservices

Welcome to our Microservices Project! πŸš€ Explore a modern architecture for a hotel management system, built using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

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Hotel Management Microservices

Welcome to the Hotel Management Microservices project. This application is designed to manage various aspects of a hotel, including booking rooms, adding hotels, and handling user ratings.

Table of Contents


This application provides the following features:

User Service

  • User registration and authentication.
  • User can book hotel rooms.
  • User can cancel bookings.
  • Wallet system to track all transactions for users.

Hotel Service

  • Add hotels with details.
  • Add rooms to hotels.
  • Get hotel details by ID or name.
  • Get a list of all available rooms in a hotel.
  • Get a list of all booked rooms in a hotel.

Booking Service

  • Book rooms in hotels.
  • Get booking details by booking ID.
  • Get a list of all bookings.

Rating Service

  • Add ratings and reviews for hotels.
  • Get all ratings.
  • Get ratings by user ID or hotel ID.

Service Registry

  • Register and discover microservices.

Configuration Server

  • Manage centralized configurations for microservices.

API Gateway

  • Gateway for accessing microservices.

Tech Stack

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Cloud
  • Spring Cloud Eureka
  • Spring Cloud Config
  • Spring Security
  • OAuth 2.0
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Web
  • Spring Data MongoDB
  • Spring Data REST
  • Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Netflix Eureka
  • Thymeleaf
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Okta
  • Git

Getting Started

To get started with the project, make sure you have the required tools and dependencies installed.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Hotel-Management-Microservices


  • Configure the properties of each microservice according to your requirements.


  • Run each microservice individually to start the Hotel Management system.

Checking Service Status

  • Eureka Server:
    • Eureka Dashboard: http://localhost:8761
      • You can check the status of all registered microservices here. It will show which services are up and running and their corresponding instances.

Instances currently registered with Eureka:


    • Availability Zones: UP (1) -

    • Availability Zones: UP (1) -

    • Availability Zones: UP (1) -

    • Availability Zones: UP (1) -

    • Availability Zones: UP (1) -
  • API Gateway Default URL: http://localhost:8086

User Service Routes

  • User login: http://localhost:8086/auth/login
    • Login on this URL to obtain an access token. You can use this access token to make authenticated requests to other service endpoints.
  • Fetch all users: http://localhost:8086/users/all
  • User registration: http://localhost:8086/users/register
  • User login: http://localhost:8086/users/login
  • Book a hotel room: http://localhost:8086/users/addBooking
  • Complete a Booking hotel: http://localhost:8086/users/completeBooking/{bookingId}
  • Cancel a booking: http://localhost:8086/users/cancelBooking/{bookingId}
  • Add wallet Balance transactions: http://localhost:8086/users/wallet/addMoney/{email}?amount=00.0
  • View wallet Balance transactions: http://localhost:8086/users/wallet/getBalance/{email}
  • View wallet transactions: http://localhost:8086/users/wallet/getTransactions/{email}

Hotel Service Routes

  • Fetch all hotels: http://localhost:8086/hotels/all
  • Fetch hotel by ID: http://localhost:8086/hotels/{hotelId}
  • Add a hotel: http://localhost:8086/hotels/add
  • Add a room to a hotel: http://localhost:8086/hotels/{hotelId}/rooms/add
  • Book a room in a hotel: http://localhost:8086/hotels/{hotelId}/bookings/add
  • Get all bookings in a hotel: http://localhost:8086/hotels/{hotelId}/bookings/all

Rating Service Routes

  • Fetch all ratings: http://localhost:8086/ratings/all
  • Add a rating: http://localhost:8086/ratings/add
  • Fetch ratings by user ID: http://localhost:8086/ratings/user/{userId}
  • Fetch ratings by hotel ID: http://localhost:8086/ratings/hotel/{hotelId}


Contributions are welcome. Please create an issue or pull request if you'd like to contribute to this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Welcome to our Microservices Project! πŸš€ Explore a modern architecture for a hotel management system, built using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%