There are 3 repositories under docker-volumes topic.
Reference deployment of JupyterHub with docker
This repo covers containerization and Docker Environment: Docker File, Image, Container, Commands, Volumes, Networks, Swarm, Stack, Service, possible scenarios.
TUI tool to manage your docker images, containers and volumes 🚀
A multi-host clustered implementation of the open storage specification
Just some templates to get someone started with hosting various servers in Docker
Use Docker Toolbox with Babun (Cygwin) in Windows
with these script you are able to backup your docker environment. There is one for the compose project, for mysql or mariadb, for postgres SQL and for normal docker volumes.
🐳 This is an open source volume plugin that allows using an ipfs filesystem as a volume.
Keycloak with Let's Encrypt Using Docker Compose
Use GlusterFS as a backend for docker volume (also as a plugin)
Docker volume plugin for creating persistent volumes as a dedicated zfs dataset.
Back up, clone, restore, and share Docker volumes effortlessly.
Nextcloud with Let's Encrypt Using Docker Compose
Cheatsheet for Docker workshop
Dockerized CUPS/AirPrint
Minecraft Server Using Docker Compose
Rocket.Chat with Let's Encrypt Using Docker Compose
A simple program / side-car service which only purpose is to pull files and inject it to docker volumes
Docker volume plugin for Quobyte
Workshop on Docker, Containers and Golang
A DockerSwarm Jupyterhub setup, which uses a NFS Server running in a Docker Container for persistent storage
Node.js backend boilerplate with express.js and mysql/postgresql(prisma).
Use GVfs as a backend for docker volume
A basic jupyterhub with Nvidia GPU accessibility.
Joomla with Let's Encrypt in a Docker Compose
Visualize your containers/images/volumes/networks and see which ones uses which ones
This repository contains questions and answers for the Docker labs on the Kodekloud platform. The questions are designed to help you learn about the fundamentals of Docker, including how to build, run, and manage Docker containers. The answers are comprehensive and easy to understand, and they include code examples where appropriate.
Makes your life easier with Docker on MacOS - start/stop/remove/kill/prune...
Docker Volume Plugin for NexentaStor
Sample how to use a AWS EBS volume with REX-Ray Docker plugin via Docker-Compose
Docker Swarm with Portworx Volume Driver "Out-of-the-Box"
Repositório destinado à conceitos e exemplos com Docker
Authentication Microservice that writes data to Mongodb and Postgres using Kafka Queue