There are 6 repositories under docker-stack topic.
A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
Use docker, docker-compose local and remote in tests and your .NET core/full framework apps via a FluentAPI
This repo covers containerization and Docker Environment: Docker File, Image, Container, Commands, Volumes, Networks, Swarm, Stack, Service, possible scenarios.
Docker environment dedicated for ScandiPWA theme development
Self-hosted Nunux Keeper with Docker
Graceful Shutdown with Spring Boot (Demo)
Learn with me and get more knowledge about Docker and Docker Swarm environments.
Deploy MinIO storage server in Docker Swarm
🐳🐳🐳 An example of Docker REST API with Golang, MongoDB and Nginx
Docker stack including traefik, portainer, seafile, homer, openvpn, gitlab, wordpress, nextcloud, jenkins & Ansible
cAdvisor, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Node-Exporter, Grafana
A repository of docker-compose yaml files for all kinds of deployments
GitHub Action and Docker image used to deploy a Docker stack on a Docker Swarm
docker compose/stack of greendns
Example setup of Drone CI in a Docker Stack using Swarm mode
Very simple etcd cluster powered by docker compose
Deploy scripts for docker-swarm.
Hyperminimal setup of an Express app with Docker. :)
Multi-Node Swarm on your laptop /w Docker-in-Docker -- Fun Stackfiles
Golang Docker Machine, Docker Swarm, Docker Stack Example
A docker stack to index results of masscan into ELK - DYI
How to deploy docker stack with swarm mode
ansible roles and site.yml tags to setup/configure datacenter
Rails 7 REST (openapi) template repo with Dockerfile, docker-compose and docker-swarm stack
Docker Cloud Stack template for running Portainer behind Traefik in a Swarm cluster
Elixir Docker Stack - Create Elixir and Phoenix projects with databases out of the box
AWX distribution using Docker Swarm
Docker image & stack untuk memudahkan membuat website OpenSID dalam Docker Container.
Scalable Wordpress on Docker swarm
Auto-Scalable Docker Engine and Docker Swarm Cluster
This application is a demonstration to show how websockets can be made to work with multiple replicas of a chat application in a scalable environment.
Example docker stacks to use with Storidge CIO - persistent storage for cloud native apps
Desk reservation demo application based on Angular, Java, .NET Core technologies as well as Docker and Kubernetes. It demonstrates a very simple microservice architecture running on Kubernetes. The Ingress Controller acts as an API Gateway. It supports GKE, AKS, and NGINX ingress. In addition, Istio Ingress Gateway is also an option to configure.
some redis container orchestrations