There are 3 repositories under docker-compose-files topic.
Examples for running Debezium (Configuration, Docker Compose files etc.)
Apache Airflow in Docker Compose (for both versions 1.10.* and 2.*)
Media Processing Pipeline
Want to handle 100,000 messages in 90 seconds? Celery and Kombu are that awesome - Multiple publisher-subscriber demos for processing json or pickled messages from Redis, RabbitMQ or AWS SQS. Includes Kombu message processors using native Producer and Consumer classes as well as ConsumerProducerMixin workers for relay publish-hook or caching
A repository stores some dockerfiles or docker-compose files for quickly starting service or service cluster.
A repository to store my collections. Docker, n8n, awesome-tools and etc interesting things.
A Composer for your favorite IoT/ IIoT container stacks with Ansible + Jinja2 + Docker Compose v2
Docker compose dedicated to ARM / x86 / x64 processors, hosting a complete torrent factory, or seedbox.
A pre-configured docker-compose files collection helping web developers. Additional Cli to manage registered compose files from everywhere in the terminal.
Docker in a Weekend: 40 Practical Demos for DevOps Learners
Bash script to manage multiple docker-compose files (stacks)
Flask Restful API template - development environment for Flask Restful API development based on docker
RESTful API template based on Symfony 4 + MySQL + docker-compose.yml
A ready to use Docker Compose configuration for a LEMP stack (Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, and PHPMyAdmin).
The straight to code approach for dev environments
Deployment of multiple linux containers in Azure as Azure Container Instance using Docker Compose
MEC tests in a 5G environment
useful Dockefiles and docker-compose files of different projects.
A set of docker-compose files to quickly and easily set up docker containers on an ARMHF device
Army ANT installation via Docker Compose.
Setup django-oscar development environment with docker-compose
Docker Feed is a simple and convenient tool for handling deployment of docker compose files to a Swarm environment. By convention, it locates all stacks to deploy on a JFrog feed with every stack following a docker-compose filename pattern of `docker-compose.<STACK_NAME>.<VERSION>.yml`.
Learn Docker with fun
mysql compiled from source with debug option.
Collection of awesome Docker Compose files.