There are 0 repository under continents topic.
🌎 Public GraphQL API for information about countries
Android library for country flag, currency, and other country information
MySQL tables for continent names, country names and their ISO-3166 codes.
Continents, Sub-Continents, Countries, States, Cities, Timezones, Currencies SQL database.
A Python package for retrieving data from all the countries in the world 🌏. The package has been published in the PyPI index. Give a star if you like it ✨
Swift library with all continents, regions, subregions & countries of the world according to Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use (UN M94).
The go-to FirewallD CLI app.
Live wild fire data visualization, historical data analysis, future fires prediction based on Machine Learning model
Laravel locations provides a quick and easy methods to get Timezones, Continents, Countries and States.
A very simple firewall for WordPress that allows you to see all real requests to your WordPress and protect you from Internet attacks. It’s a WAF, a Web Application Firewall that is installed in front of WordPress. It’s installed in the server with the plugin, and it checks requests from the web browsers, bots or webcrawlers to your WordPress. It executes the WAF codes before every request to PHP files of WordPress, so it also works before every request to the WordPress cache.
CO2 and Climate Change Data Analysis
Data visualization of urban populations
A simple but very useful NPM package to get all continents, subregions, countries, states and cities.
The PHP Continents Package provides a convenient and object-oriented approach to working with continent data.
In this project, I explored and analyzed a world population dataset in the R programming language. Utilizing tidyverse, I created two choropleth maps. One map shows the growth rate by continent, and the other shows the growth rate of African countries.
'Tackling Climate Change'. 'Why we need action Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow.'
Aplicação web responsiva utilizando Chakraui, desenvolvida com next.js e fake API com json-server.
A collection of open standard formats designed to represent simple geographic features, along with their non-spatial attributes.