There are 30 repositories under people topic.
World Factbook Country Profiles in JSON - Free Open Public Domain Data - No API Key Required ;-)
A typeface of people sillhouettes, to make it easy to build web graphics featuring little people instead of dots.
Api for Generates an image of a person that does not exist in real life
IdenProf dataset is a collection of images of identifiable professionals. It is been collected to enable the development of AI systems that can serve by identifying people and the nature of their job by simply looking at an image, just like humans can do.
Unofficial "API" for the ThisPersonDoesNotExist webpage, that returns a random fictional person picture generated by AI
:boom: An automation tool to automate the connection requests on LinkedIn
Search tools to help you find people, focused towards UK resources.
Moradia compartilhada entre pessoas que atuam em desenvolvimento de software ou áreas criativas
:books: Overview :lock: Tooling :lock: Process :lock: Physical :lock: People :books:
SSD-based head detector for Keras
Automatic ai cut outs of people, products and cars with service
(🧪 Early Beta) 🤙 TamoTam. HangOut. Offline.
Awesome list of cool people - star if you want to join
Human resources management application with time off, employee self service and employee management
This is a guide to understand Flag categories for Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF events
A Python client for the People Data Labs API
my esphome configurations
This is my version of the Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West
A universal JS client with TypeScript support for the People Data Labs API
Initiative citoyenne pour le sous-titrage des vidéos de la chaîne Youtube de Jean-Luc Mélenchon, porte-parole de la France Insoumise.
rick roll in some programming language. (almost). please send pr's in any language you would like.
People detector based on SSD
This is the site generator for SSW.People. ▶️ Video:
These are the profile folders for SSW.People. ▶️ Video:
Lista de nuevos episodios y posibles invitades (invitadas e invitados)
Inline People Search for SharePoint Online
Where all the state-of-the-art computer vision Algorithms meet
Search through TMDB ( for movies, TV shows and people.
Api for MyAnimeList. It contains: pages of info, search and widget
The entry point for this organization. :wave: