There are 1 repository under competitions topic.
CodaLab Competitions
All of the code that runs on
For effective cheating detection in security competitions. Uses Linux Kernel Module (LKM) for generating flags.
Open Sourced Quiz Portal which can be used for any event / competition with a custom leaderboard.
😎 Awesome lists about Hackathons around the globe! ✨🎉
This is a compilation of competitions that are relevant to graduation projects, along with comprehensive details about each of them.
Contains my solutions to thousands of different CP sums and some DSA Problems(available in snippets)
Tools for ICDAR2019 competitions(fifth place)
A tool for editing groups of WCA competitions
My beloved competitive programming repository
List of Data Science Competition Platforms
Collection of My Competitive Programming Codes
My C++ solution for the Defia-Soft coding competition.
Online Hackathons/Competitions
The template serves for automation in training and evaluation of Deep learning models for competitions.
Notebooks of different competitions
A REST API created using Flask to manage university fests. Features include event registration, payment tracking, participant management and more
A compilation of answers to various questions in various languages from coding competitions.
Gives updates about latest opportunities
Github action to push Kaggle kernels from GitHub and also for submitting them to their respective competitions.
Um script que manda um e-mail quando há um campeonato novo na WCA. A script which send an e-mail when there's a new WCA competition. Integrates the WCA's and the Google Sheets API, the subscription is made by the Google Forms.
This is a 2nd place solution at AICovidVN115m competition in warmup phase.
A python script to check for Kaggle LB's final status and send email notification when finalized.