There are 2 repositories under caffeine topic.
Prevents your Mac from going to sleep.
Mouse Jiggler is a very simple piece of software whose sole function is to "fake" mouse input to Windows, and jiggle the mouse pointer back and forth.
🦄 论坛:基于 SpringBoot + MyBatis + MySQL + Redis + Kafka + Elasticsearch + Spring Security + ... 并提供详细的开发文档和配套教程。包含帖子、评论、私信、系统通知、点赞、关注、搜索、用户设置、数据统计等模块。
A minimalist, Material Design inspired Ghost Theme for optimal desktop and mobile experiences
Spring Boot 教程、技术栈示例代码。在工作中的最佳实践,帮助快速上手运用到工作中。
基于 Java Web 项目的 SpringBoot 框架初始化模板,该模板整合了常用的框架(Mybatis-Plus、ShardingSphere、Redis、RabbitMQ、Elasticsearch、SaToken、OSS、Caffeine以及MongoDB等),广泛支持JDK11和JDK17,部分版本兼容JDK8,同时接入了Spring AI,该模板适用于前后端分离项目启动开发,保证大家在此基础上能够快速开发自己的项目,同时也适合入门学习,本项目会由作者持续更新。
spring cache 多级缓存扩展
springboot 使用 redis guava caffeine 缓存示例
☕️ Prevent your PC from sleeping. Port of Caffeine for OS X.
A local reactive cache for Java and Android. Now, it supports heap memory、off-heap memory and disk cache.
A user-friendly public frontend for common PegaSwitch scripts including Nereba, Caffeine, HBL and more.
Prod application. Java 8, Spring Boot, AngularJS, Gradle, Gulp, MySQL, Mongo.
Support property-based configuring of multiple Caffeine caches for Spring Cache abstraction.
Spring Boot application with - Flyway migration, JWT authentication, Hibernate Envers Auditing, Hazelcast distributed caching, Docker Compose support. Checkout different releases for all features added to this application -
一个整合了Redis缓存和Caffeine本地缓存的SpringBoot Starter,支持单例,主从,集群三种模式部署的Redis快速接入,提供了 锁、幂等控制、布隆过滤器、mq以及静态Caffeine等操作接口
Alfred Workflow for Amphetamine 4.
A compact yet versatile menu-bar app for keeping your Mac awake.
Tauri plugin to block the power save functionality in the OS
Allows you to announce the start of the stream on various streaming platforms in your channel: youtube, trovo, twitch, kick, vkplay, caffeine, goodgame, openrec, nuum
Alfred Workflow for Amphetamine.
A simple extension that adds Kotlin Coroutines support to caffeine