There are 0 repository under bullfrog topic.
Recode Binary code of game Magic Carpet2 to C/C++ language(remake MC2 for any platform)
An open-source re-implementation of Bullfrog's Sim Theme Park / Theme Park World (1999)
My first reverse engineering game
A ressource viewer/extractor for Theme Park (1994).
Open source Sprite Viewer & Editor tool for the game Populous: The Beginning.
Bullfrog Engine Emulation Library - for use to remake classic games like Syndicate Wars, Magic Carpet or Dungeon Keeper.
PopWorldEditor is a multipurpose tool used in creating maps for Populous: The Beginning.
Open source Sound Editor (extract, pack and preview) tool written in C++ for the game Populous: The Beginning.
Open source Language editor tool written in C# for the game Populous: The Beginning. The Language files contain localized strings used throughout the game.
Bullfrog GeneWars saved games editor.
Open-source asset editor and manager written in C++ for Bullfrog's Populous: The Beginning game, designed to preview, modify, and generate the game assets.
Discord Rich Presence for Theme Park World