There are 0 repository under autorization topic.
Banhammer for Laravel offers a simple way to ban any Model by ID, UUID and by IP or Country.
Dokumentation für die Europace Plattform Autorisierung
Golang web toolbox for API and static website including HTTP server, middlewares, JWT, CORS, OPA, Cookies, Prometheus exporter, Rate Limiter compatible with Go standards and dozens of Go routers
E-commerce web application with Spring Boot, Spring Security (JWT), ElasticSearch,OpenFeign, MySQL, Docker,Logstash,Redis and more.
Node JS com sequelize para o cadastro e autenticação de usuários.
API de uma rede social que possui usuários, posts e interação entre os usuários através de like e dislike
Проект Mesto на Реакте с авторизацией и регистрацией
Sistema de autenticação e autorização para Golang com e-mail e senha
Веб-сервис внутренного обучения сотрудников и тестирования согласно профессии с авторизацией (Python, Vue 3, MySQL)
🍔Stellar Burger - 🌟Создай свой звёздный бургер!🌟👽
Basic Auth with Nestjs and Angular. JWT and Refresh Tokens
The Smart Selfie project is rooted in the emergence of pythonand its potential to transform the way we conduct and click pictures.
RESTful APIs with Python 3 and Flask
O sistema MovieFlix consiste em um banco de filmes, os quais podem ser listados e avaliados pelos usuários. Usuários podem ser visitantes (VISITOR) e membros (MEMBER). Apenas usuários membros podem inserir avaliações no sistema.
Aplicação de autorização e autenticação por JWT, validando roles de acesso desenvolvida DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
Web application securised
Authorization - Adding roles to frontend
Airbnb WanderLust: Full-Stack Web Application. Link:
ASP .Net Core Web API
Welcome to QuikBazaar, an advanced e-commerce platform that seamlessly integrates a robust React.js front end with a powerful Spring Boot backend, supported by MySQL for efficient data storage. This full-stack solution showcases my expertise in developing dynamic and scalable web applications.
Card game based on Yu-Gi-Oh
Consumindo uma API de produtos, utilizando Vite + React e Material UI.
Java project with Spring and Gradle for basic in-memory authentication with authorization for routes.
MoneyCompass is a mobile web application where you can manage your budget. You have a list of payments associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what. It allows you to register and log in to keep the data private, introduce new categories and payments and see the money spent on each category. Give it a try!
Involving JWT with . Net Core
Приложение регистрации, использующие firebase.