There are 21 repositories under nette topic.
Converts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte.
🐘 Generates neat PHP code for you. Supports new PHP 8.4 features.
🛠 Lightweight utilities for string & array manipulation, image handling, safe JSON encoding/decoding, validation, slug or strong password generating etc.
😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it.
☕ Latte: the safest & truly intuitive templates for PHP. Engine for those who want the most secure PHP sites.
💎 Flexible, compiled and full-featured Dependency Injection Container with perfectly usable autowiring and support for all new PHP 8 features.
🍀 RobotLoader: high performance and comfortable autoloader that will search and autoload classes within your application.
💾 A database layer with a familiar PDO-like API but much more powerful. Building queries, advanced joins, drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server and Oracle.
📝 Generating, validating and processing secure forms in PHP. Handy API, fully customizable, server & client side validation and mature design.
🌐 Abstraction for HTTP request, response and session. Provides careful data sanitization and utility for URL and cookies manipulation.
🏆 A full-stack component-based MVC kernel for PHP that helps you write powerful and modern web applications. Write less, have cleaner code and your work will bring you joy.
🔑 Provides authentication, authorization and a role-based access control management via ACL (Access Control List)
:muscle: DataGrid for Nette Framework: filtering, sorting, pagination, tree view, table view, translator, etc
⚛ Component model foundation for Nette.
Flexible AJAX for Nette Framework. Supports snippets, redirects etc.
SafeStream: atomic and safe manipulation with files via native PHP functions.
Latte plugin for IntelliJ IDEA platform
Standard Web Project: a simple skeleton application using the Nette
:memo: PDF invoice generator
:boom: Best minimal console (symfony/console) to Nette Framework (@nette)
The ultimate debugging and development tool for ProcessWire
[DISCONTINUED] Docblock annotations parser and common reflection classes
✅ A simple tool to check source code against a set of Nette coding standards.