There are 0 repository under arizona-state-university topic.
This repository contains public source files for use in CSE240 (Introduction to Programming Languages) at Arizona State University.
Quarto template/extension for a Arizona State University thesis
An Auto Pilot app to fill out your part time applications along with generating cover letters too.
This is the new SoDA website.
🥇 Principled Innovation Hackathon Winner: Mine Alliance - Reinventing a sustainable future for Arizona Mining Industry with AI
📚 Help System: A tailored help platform delivering relevant, personalized academic information for ASU students.
ASU Class Notifier was created to help Arizona State University students know when space has opened up in an impacted class.
Serverless face recognition pipeline on AWS (EC2, Lambda, S3, SQS, auto-scaling).
Two blockchain projects: An ERC-721 NFT contract on Polygon Mumbai and a Hyperledger Fabric supply-chain chaincode.
Texture applied 3D Avatar "Cursed Dog" based on webGL program, Computer Graphics, Arizona State University, 2021 Spring Semester
This is my final project in my FSE 100 class at Arizona State University. In this project we had to build a robot using the lego EV3 kit. We then used MATLAB to help the robot autonomously solve the maze while also picking up a cardboard person and dropping them off in the drop off zone.
convert and monetize your kinetic energy from walking or running into electrical power with our innovative wearable charger. MakeHarvard 2024: Runner Up.
Flight Manage Application based on Java, MySQL server, MySQL JDBC driver, Database Management, Arizona State University, 2021 Spring Semester
CSE 543: Information Assurance & Security Final Project at ASU. For all those who took Dr. Stephen Yau's CSE 543 course at ASU (Arizona State University), use our project as a reference point.
CSE 575: Statistical Machine Learning Project - Sentimental Analysis on Twitter @ ASU
High-Performance webscraper + API for ASU Course Catalog written in Go.
COVID-19 Mental Health Analysis Team Project for a Python Course at Arizona State University (CIS 591)
Machine Learning pipeline for financial transaction fraud detection. Incorporates SMOTE, ensemble models, neural networks.
Big Data analysis on Yelp reviews/businesses for Arizona. Using Hadoop, Spark, PySpark.
CSE 565: Software Verification and Validation @ Arizona State University
This visualization uses a dataset of superheroes and their attributes to create an interactive experience for exploring the relative strengths and characteristics of various characters.
ASU CSE 551: Foundation of Algorithms Programming Assignment
Real Time Cross Platform Collaboration between Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality