tajroshith / ansible-lamp-wordpress

Ansible Lamp Deployment on Multiple Client Servers

Repository from Github https://github.comtajroshith/ansible-lamp-wordpressRepository from Github https://github.comtajroshith/ansible-lamp-wordpress

Ansible LAMP Deployment & Wordpress Installation

Build Status

In this project i am going to setup multiple client servers quickly with LAMP and then follow up with wordpress installation. The client servers are CentOS 7 & Amazon Linux. For setting up LAMP i have used ansible roles. Main goal is to setup LAMP in both servers with latest versions of available tools. Ansible-Playbook is made as such it is easily customizable and deployable on mutiple clients(Cent OS 7 & Amazon Linux) with task specific to each client will be executed using import_tasks module and when condition.


  • Used Ansible Master server as Amazon Linux 2 and Client servers on Cent OS 7 and Amazon Linux.
  • Ansible Master server is installed with Ansible2.

Resources Used

  • Amazon Linux 2 (Ansible-Master)
  • Cent OS 7 (Ansible-Client)
  • Amazon Linux 2 (Ansible-Client)
  • Apache (webserver)
  • Mariadb
  • PHP
  • Ansible2

Ansible Modules Used

Included roles

  • LAMP - Setup lamp on both client systems.

Actions Performed

  • Install REMI & EPEL Repo for Cent OS 7
  • Installs Apache, PHP, MariaDB
  • Starts and enables httpd, mariadb
  • Setup virtualhost in both client systems
  • Copies test file content to documentroot
  • Setup wordpress in /var/www/html/domain_name/
  • Handler used to notify and restart httpd service

Role Variables

  • Variables declared in vars folder in main.yml which include Domain Name, Port No, Documentroot, Httpd_user & group, Wordpress database,user & password, Repo Url & Key for setting up repo & Php version.
  • You can customise these variables as per your requirements

How to use?

To begin with this project, first ensure that ansible is installed on your server. Refer to the following link to install ansible on your server:


First create your Inventory file. You can work entirely in this repository. Name your Inventory file and setup all required connections there.

Example Inventory file:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   ansible_ssh_user="user"    ansible_port=22    ansible_ssh_private_key_file="KEY_FILE.pem"

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   ansible_ssh_user="user"    ansible_port=22    ansible_ssh_private_key_file="KEY_FILE.pem"

Next setup your playbook. Here i have setup my playbook main-role.yml and included roles for LAMP Installation followed by wordpress installation on both the clients. For the execution of the playbook, first check the connection status to your client servser via:

ansible -i inventoryfile all -m ping

Once you have established the connection then check for any syntax error in the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventoryfile YOUR_PLAYBOOK_FILE.yml --syntax-check

if all checks have pass then you are good to execute the ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventoryfile YOUR_PLAYBOOK_FILE.yml

Please note the inventory file should be present in the same directory also i have used SSH private KEY based login. So I have copied the ssh private key file as "KEY_NAME.pem" in the same directory with read permission granted to the User/Owner (eg: chmod 400 KEY_NAME.pem).

After Ansible deployment, login to the client servers and check if everything is as good as it was planned.


Ansible Lamp Deployment on Multiple Client Servers


Language:PHP 66.7%Language:HTML 33.3%