There are 0 repository under akshatvg topic.
GitHub themed portfolio website.
A project to make an intelligent warehouse management system which optimises a warehouse helping in reducing labour costs and space wasted while also increasing efficiency and space. Our project helps keep track of the shipments which come in and out of the warehouse, the highest selling products, the recently added products and also aimed to recommend which shipment of products to order next to increase profits while keeping in mind the space used to store the shipments isn't wasted.
Web application to help convert one programming language's code to another within seconds while also enabling the user to generate code using just logic.
Client side escape room with mini-tasks leading to a final prize for @muskanrastogi1's birthday.
A simple yet efficient project to automate and make farming smart.
A simple yet effective project to help reduce crimes against women and children.
Our project aims to help people come up with solutions to cope up with disasters before, during and after the disaster. We incorporate internet-less chatting, skin detection, fundraising, disaster prediction, live ground status and drones to deliver amenities into our project.
A virtual assistant for the elderly & handicapped – a containerized and unified solution to tackle some of the daily challenges faced by millions worldwide.
My personal portfolio website to showcase my work.
Web portal for recruitments for the core of 2019 for CodeChef-VIT.
This project helps find out soil composition on other planets to find out if they're habitable or not.
A project to help improve the educational sector in ways not thought of before.
Using Agora's token service to authenticate users.
Recruitment Portal For Design Team.
Monitor and analyse active or disinterested members of a WhatsApp group.
GitHub Organizational Analysis for calculating score of all members of any GitHub organisation and top contributors of all repositories.
This repository is made by Akshat Gupta to maintain and develop CodeChef-VIT's Newsletter Templates.
Website for DSC-VIT's weekly Python Study Jams organised for freshers.