ABACUS stands for Automated Behavioral Approximate CircUit Synthesis. This approximate logic synthesis tool enables the designer to explore the approximated design space of arbitrary high-level Verilog input. ABACUS, in an automated fashion, generates optimal approximate variants of an accurate hardware, using a recursive stochastic evolutionary algorithm. For more details please visit our publications:
[1] K. Nepal, S. Hashemi, H. Tann, R. I. Bahar and S. Reda, "Automated High-Level Generation of Low-Power Approximate Computing Circuits", in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2016.
[2] K. Nepal, Y. Li, R. I. Bahar and S. Reda, " ABACUS: A Technique for Automated Behavioral Synthesis of Approximate Computing Circuits" in Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2014.
Simple single file python-based flow
Uses open-source tools entirely for simulation and synthesis
Uses more general DRUM implementation for approximate multiplication
Python Version 3.7 or newer
Verilator for simulation given benchmarks. Other simulators can be also used, but simulation script needs to be modified.
Yosys for synthesis. Other synthesis tools can be also used, but synthesis script need to be modified, together with the synthesis parsing function synthesize_sesign in abacus.py
Liberty technology library. Our synthesis scripts uses the FreePDK45 and assumes the gscl45nm.lib is located in the benchmarks folder
ABACUS uses ODIN II [3] tool to parse the input verilog codes to an abstract syntax tree (AST). ODIN II does not support several Verilog syntax, which are added in ABACUS. Some syntax are still not supported. The list includes:
- none synthesizable Verilog code (display, monitor, etc)
- task, function syntax
- generate syntax
- signed output register syntax
[3] P. Jamieson, K. B. Kent, F. Gharibian and L. Shannon, "Odin II - An Open-Source Verilog HDL Synthesis Tool for CAD Research," Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2010 18th IEEE Annual International Symposium on, Charlotte, NC, 2010, pp. 149-156.
- First compile libvpr_6 by going to trunk/libvpr_6 and type "make". You might need to install libc6-dev-i386 first.
- Then go to trunk/ABACUS and type "make clean && make".
blockmatching, fft, fir, and perceptron: Contain the files used for their respective testbench as reported in publications [1] and [2].
trunk: Contains source codes, header files, binaries, and scripts used by ABACUS.
- ABACUS/ : source codes, and all of the supporting files related to source codes.
- libvpr_6/ : libvpr_6 is used by ABACUS
- abacus.py : main script to run ABACUS flow
Regular Files:
- LICENSE: Contains the license information.
- README.md: The README file. This file.
When creating a new benchmark, you will need to create a new synthesis (synthesis.script) and simulation script (sim.script) in the folder for the benchmark.
Block Matching: Block matching is a technique commonly used in motion estimation and video compression applications. Block matching partitions a given frame into non-overlapping rectangular blocks and tries to find the block from the reference frame in a given search range that best matches the current block. The measure of similarity between the blocks is computed by the sum of the absolute difference. For our design, we perform full search block matching over a search window in a reference frame to determine the best match for a block in a current frame. Our particular test case works on 16x16 block sizes from a 352x288 frame sequence. The quality of a design is assessed using the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR).
FFT Implementation: An FFT circuit takes in an input signal and outputs the amplitude and phase spectra of the signal’s frequency components. For our benchmark, we have implemented an 8-point radix-2 decimation in time FFT with 16-bit sign-extended integer. We measure accuracy by computing the MSE of the approximate circuit’s output amplitude spectrum.
FIR Filter: A 25-tap FIR filter takes in an audio signal and convolves it with a low-pass filter coefficient array, effectively creating a 1-D filtered output. The quality of an approximate version of this design is assessed using Mean-Squared Error (MSE) on the amplitude of the audio signals generated. The MSE for the original FIR filter circuit was computed with a 16-bit sign-extended fixed point coefficient and image input compared against a floating point implementation done in software.
Perceptron Classifier: The perceptron classifier is a commonly used application in machine learning. A perceptron takes an input data, denoted by vector x, and predicts the class (e.g., -1 or +1) of x by computing sign(wx), where w is the weight vector and sign(.) is a function that outputs 1 if its argument is positive and -1 otherwise. The perceptron essentially defines a hyperplane to separate the training data into two classes. Perceptrons are also capable of classifying non-linearly separable points by mapping the input points to another space where they are linearly separable. Our perceptron test case uses a quadratic function to map the input space. The input data set consisted of 1,000 randomly generated two-dimensional points from two classes. Classification results were compared against the ground-truth and hence the total percentage change in classification outputs was considered as the accuracy metric.
In general, to run ABACUS using a single process you need to change directory to trunk and run the main script:
cd ABACUS_ROOT/trunk
python abacus.py [TESTBENCH_FOLDER] [design_file_to_be_approxamted] min_accuracy_threshold(0-100)
Note: there may be error if other shell is used.
To run with arbitrary input verilog files (MODIFY THIS):
Create a folder in ABACUS root with the testbench name:
mkdir random_verilog
Create the necessary folders for the ABACUS tool and put the required files as follows:
Original/ -> Here you need: The Verilog source files.
Population/ -> A placeholder. ABACUS tool will populate this folder with mutant files.
SRC/ -> A placeholder. ABACUS tool will populate this folder with mutant source codes.
simulation/ -> hold ground truth output, input files, and simulation files for each testcase. Put each of the testcases in a seprate folder named as testcaseX. The 4 existing testbenches can provide good examples.
syn.script -> synthesis script for the design
sim.script -> simulation script for the design
qor.py -> Python script to compare two outputs from sim.script
ABACUS uses genetics algorithm (NSGA II and NSGA II hybrid, see [2] for more detail) to perform mutations on input designs. For each generation of mutation, the mutants which pass the accuracy, power saving thresholds are saved in the Population folder.
The names of the mutant designs have the following format: [designName]_G[X]_S[Y]_F[Z].v
- [designName] is specific to each benchmark (i.e. fir_filter)
- G stands for Generation number
- S stands for Selection number (the parent of the mutant)
- F stands for File number (for different mutants)
- X, Y, Z are placeholders for numbers
Mutants with the same S number in the same generation share the same parent design. They will have different F numbers. In the first generation, there is only one parent (the original design), so each mutant has S1. From the second generation onward, the NSGA II hybrid will use 4 parents:
- Global Best: the fittest design from all generations (given name S1)
- Local Best: Best from the previous generation (S2). If this is the same design as the global best, the S2 will be the second best from the previous generation.
- Local Second Best: (S3) similar to S2 except it is the second best.
- Local Third Best: (S4) similar to S2 except it is the third best.
Currently, S1 parents are allowed to produce 4 children; S2 has 3 chidren; S3 has 2 children, and S4 has 1 child.
In addition to the design files, each generation also produces a summary file called: FilesInfo_G[X].txt where G[X] is for the generation number. The content of this summary file is in the following format:
#File_Name Mean_Accuracy(%) Min_Accuracy(%) Area_Saving(%)
fir_filter_G1_S1_F1 98.243 98.1473 8.9540
fir_filter_G1_S1_F2 89.4577 87.9527 19.8137
fir_filter_G1_S1_F3 76.2976 73.5313 16.8679
fir_filter_G1_S1_F4 79.9836 77.7669 11.1038
fir_filter_G1_S1_F5 97.5239 97.1871 8.0360
fir_filter_G1_S1_F6 85.3439 84.1843 12.6930
fir_filter_G1_S1_F7 76.069 72.0779 24.8852
fir_filter_G1_S1_F8 91.2023 90.3241 20.3369
fir_filter_G1_S1_F9 72.1619 69.246 8.4362
fir_filter_G1_S1_F10 90.9573 89.5009 22.1418
# The best fit approximate design of Generation 1 is fir_filter_G1_S1_F1
Here, the accuracy statics (mean, min) across test cases, and area are reported for each mutant.
Make sure Yosys and Verilator are working properly.
Make sure you are in the trunk folder when running the main script.
ABACUS is released under the BSD 2-Clause license.(Refer to LICENSE file).
Please cite ABACUS in your publications if it helps your research:
@article{nepal2016abacus, Author = {Nepal, Kumud and Hashemi, Soheil and Tann, Hokchhay and Bahar, R. Iris and Reda, Sherief}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing}, Title = {Automated High-Level Generation of Low-Power Approximate Computing Circuits}, Year = {2016} }
Contact [hokchhay_tann at brown.edu], [soheil_hashemi at brown.edu], or [sherief_reda at brown.edu] for questions.