remytuyeras / HaploDynamics

A python library to develop genomic data simulators

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A python library to simulate genomic data


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HaploDynamics (HaploDX) is a Python 3+ library that provides a collection of functions for simulating population-specific genomic data. The package is part of the Genetic Simulator Resources (GSR) catalog, which can accessed by clicking on the image below.

Catalogued on GSR

Highlights and updates

Five reasons to use this package:

  • An intuitive user interface for writing short, concise Python code that achieves realistic simulations.
  • Speed and efficiency, with a lightweight implementation that allows for fast generation of simulations.
  • Flexibility, with the ability to mix your own models with the framework to create custom simulations.
  • A comprehensive set of arithmetic operations (coming soon) for working with mutiple VCF files.
  • Detailed documentation with thorough tutorials and performance analyses to help you get started quickly.

Release v0.4b*:


Installation via pip

Install the HaploDynamics package by using the following command.

$ pip install HaploDynamics

After this, you can import the modules of the library to your script as follows.

import HaploDynamics.HaploDX as hdx
import HaploDynamics.Framework as fmx

To upgrade the package to its latest version, use the following command.

$ pip install --upgrade HaploDynamics==0.4b1

Manual installation

HaploDynamics uses the SciPy library for certain calculations. To install SciPy, run the following command, or see SciPy's installation instructions for more options.

$ python -m pip install scipy

You can install the HaploDynamics GitHub package by using the following command in a terminal.

$ git clone

Then, use the pwd command to get the absolute path leading to the downloaded package.

$ ls
$ cd HaploDynamics/
$ pwd

To import the modules of the library to your script, you can use the following syntax where the path absolute/path/to/HaploDynamics should be replaced with the path obtained earlier.

import sys
import HaploDynamics.HaploDX as hdx
import HaploDynamics.Framework as fmx


The following script generates a VCF file containing simulated diploid genotypes for a population of 1000 individuals with LD-blocks of length 20kb, 5kb, 20kb, 35kb, 30kb and 15kb.

import HaploDynamics.HaploDX as hdx

simulated_data = hdx.genmatrix([20,5,20,35,30,15],strength=1,population=0.1,Npop=1000)

The equation strength=1 forces a high amount of linkage disequilibrium and the equation population=0.1 increases the likelyhood of the simulated population to have rare mutations (e.g. to simulate a population profile close to African and South-Asian populations).

More generally, the function genmatrix() takes the following types of parameters:

Parameters Type Values
blocks list[int] List of positive integers, ideally between 1 and 40.
strength float From -1 (little linkage) to 1 (high linkage)
population float From 0 (for more rare mutations) to 1 (for less rare mutations)
Npop int Positive integer specifying the number of individuals in the genomic matrix

The generation of each locus in a VCF file tends to be linear in the parameter Npop. On average, a genetic variant can take from 0.3 to 1 seconds to be generated when Npop=100000 (this may vary depending on your machine). The estimated time complexity for an average machine is shown below.

Use cases

The following script shows how to display linkage disequilibirum correlations for the simulated data.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import HaploDynamics.HaploDX as hdx

simulated_data = hdx.genmatrix([20,20,20,20,20,20],strength=1,population=0.1,Npop=1000)

rel, m, _ = hdx.LD_corr_matrix(simulated_data[0])

A typical output for the previous script should look as follows.

The following script shows how you can control linkage disequilibrium by using LD-blocks of varying legnths. You can display the graph relating distances between pairs of variants to average correlation scores by using the last output of the function LD_corr_matrix().

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import HaploDynamics.HaploDX as hdx

ld_blocks = [5,5,5,10,20,5,5,5,5,5,5,1,1,1,2,2,10,20,40]
Npop = 1000
simulated_data = hdx.genmatrix(ld_blocks,strength,population,Npop)

rel, m, dist = hdx.LD_corr_matrix(simulated_data[0])

#from genetic distances to average correlaions
plt.plot([i for i in range(len(dist)-1)],dist[1:])
plt.ylim([0, 1])

Typical outputs for the previous script should look as follows.

Correlations genetic distances to average correlations

Finally, the following script shows how you can generate large regions of linkage.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import HaploDynamics.HaploDX as hdx

ld_blocks = [1] * 250
Npop = 1000
simulated_data = hdx.genmatrix(ld_blocks,strength,population,Npop)

rel, m, dist = hdx.LD_corr_matrix(simulated_data[0])

#from genetic distances to average correlaions
plt.plot([i for i in range(len(dist)-1)],dist[1:])
plt.ylim([0, 1])

Typical outputs for the previous script should look as follows.

Correlations genetic distances to average correlations

To cite this work

Tuyeras, R. (2023). HaploDynamics: A python library to develop genomic data simulators (Version 0.4-beta.1) [Computer software]. DOI
