path9263 / godot-cdt

Constrained Delaunay triangulations GDExtension for Godot 4 using artem-ogre/CDT

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Conforming/Constrained Delaunay triangulations GDExtension for Godot 4. This is a wrapper for artem-ogre/CDT C++ library. Inspired by cdt-gd which works with Godot 3.

I have not yet added every function of the original library to this extension. Feel free to make a pull request if you add more!

CDT example


To install this library download a release which works with your version of Godot. Extract the bin folder and place it in the same folder as your godot.project file.

Using this Extension

This GDExtension is a wrapper for artem-ogre/CDT C++ library, refer to the documentation there for more detail.


This github repo contains a demo folder with a Godot project which makes use of many of the features of this extension.

In the demo you can right click to remove a triangle. You can also left click twice on two neighboring triangles to flip the shared edge between them.

Basic Use:

  • Create a new ConstrainedTriangulation Resource. You may wish to call the init function on it before adding data to it as the init function clears all data. The init function can be used to change the vertex insertion order, determine if overlapping constrained edges should be merged, and set the min distance to merge.
  • Create a PackedVector2Array of vertices you want to triangulate. Add your array of vertices‎ with insert_vertices(verts), always add the vertices array before adding the array of edges.
  • Create a PackedInt32Array of edges which you want to constrain. This is an array of vertex indices in the PackedVector2Array of vertices you created. You can use either insert_edges(edges) or insert_conforming_edges(edges) to add your edges depending on your use case.
  • Generate your triangulation with one of the following methods:
    • cdt.erase_super_triangle()
    • cdt.erase_outer_triangles()
    • cdt.erase_outer_triangles_and_holes()
  • You can now access generated vertices and triangles by calling get_all_vertices() and get_all_triangles(). The returned array of triangles is a ‎PackedInt32Array‎, every 3 consecutive values represent a triangle. The values are the indexes of the vertices in the returned vertices array.
extends Node2D

var cdt: ConstrainedTriangulation =

var verts: PackedVector2Array = [Vector2(240, 144), Vector2(492, 603), Vector2(763, 546), Vector2(819, 296)]
var tris: PackedInt32Array
var edges: PackedInt32Array = [0,1,1,2,2,3,3,0]

func _ready():
	cdt.init(true, true, 0.1) 

	var edge_count: int = 0

	# always insert all vertices before any constrained edges

	# use one of the two methods below: 

	# do one of the three below options to generate triangles: 

	verts = cdt.get_all_vertices()
	tris = cdt.get_all_triangles()

func _draw():
	for tri in tris.size() / 3:
		for i in 3:
			var from = verts[tris[3*tri + i]]
			var to = verts[tris[3*tri + (i+1)%3]]
			draw_line(from, to, Color(0.07, 0.47, 0.85), 1.0, true )
	for v in verts.size():
		var vert = verts[v]
		draw_circle(vert, 10, Color(0,0,0))
		draw_circle(vert, 5, Color(1,1,1))

Building the Extension

This GDExtension more or less follows this guide. Some files are located in different directories.


Constrained Delaunay triangulations GDExtension for Godot 4 using artem-ogre/CDT



Language:C++ 91.1%Language:Python 7.5%Language:C 1.4%