[2023 May 1st] A journal extension has been released here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.01747
[2023 Mar 23th] New KL loss updated in libs.Loss. The new k-l loss measure k-l distance of any two arbitrary Gaussian dist. We added a few flags for the k-l loss, when all flags set up as 0, the k-l loss becomes the one used in our MICCAI paper. You can set up flags to other options to choose to learn mean or std or choose not to learn mean or std.
[2022 Sep 21th] Bayesian Pseudo Label was selected and shortlisted for Young Scientist Award (Best Paper) at MICCAI 2022 main conference (15 finalists / 1825 submissions).
This repository is an exampler implementation of our MICCAI 2022 paper on 3D binary segmentation (Runner-up for the best paper (Young Scientist Award)) 'Bayesian Pseudo Labels: Expectation Maximization and Maximization for Robust and Efficient Semi-Supervised Segmentation'. This code base was written and maintained by Moucheng Xu
We focus on binary case here that output of a network model is single channel and normalised by Sigmoid function. We first see pseudo labels as latent variables of a graphical model. The original pseudo labelling is an empirical estimation of E-step for estimating the latent variables, updating model parameter using pseudo labells is the M-step. We further simplify the graphical model by using only the confidence threshold as a latent variable. See the illustration below:
Bayesian pseudo label (BPL) is a probabilistic generalisation of pseudo labelling via Bayes rule. Because the full E-step is intractable (more details in our paper), BPL estimates the maximum likelihood of labels of unlabelled data with variational inference. The comparison between Bayesian pseudo label and Variational auto encoder is illustrated beneath:
The two key differences between BPL and VAE are: 1) BPL has only one latent variable which has a clear prior, while VAE has high dimensional latent variables without a clear prior; 2) VAE does MAP estimation of reconstruction of input image, while BPL does MAP estimation of unseen label of input image.
The beneath table is the results on binary segmentation of whole tumour using Task01 Brain Tumour. We use the first 8 cases from the original training data as labelled training cases and the rest as testing data, we use the original unlabelled testing data as unlabelled training data.
Test Sizing | 32^3 | 64^3 | 96^3 | 128^3 |
Superivsed | 61.07 | 66.94 | 70.13 | 72.09 |
SegPL-VI | 64.44 | 71.43 | 73.07 | 74.48 |
The beneath picture is a plot of the learnt threshold with a prior of an univariate Gaussian (mean=0.5, std=0.16). X-axis: training iterations; Y-axis: threshold.
This repository is based on PyTorch 1.4. To use this code, please first clone the repo and install the enviroment.
This code base is for 3D volumetric data sets. If each of your scans is in (H x W x D), please set up the flag "transpose_dim" in your config yaml file as 1. If each scan is in (D x H x W), set "transpose_dim" as 0. This code base works either numpy or nifti data formats. To use numpy, set up the flag "dataset.data_format" as 'npy', to use nifity, set up the flag "dataset.data_format" as 'nii'. You also need to prepare your dataset in a structure following:
| └───imgs # labelled scans.
| └───lbls # labels
| └───imgs # unlabelled scans
└───imgs # testing scans
└───lbls # testing labels
Run the following with your own custom yaml config file:
python main.py \
-c configs/exp.yaml
Here is an example of the configuration .yaml file:
name: brain
num_workers: 8
data_dir: '/SAN/medic/PerceptronHead/data/Task01_BrainTumour'
data_format: 'nii'
tag: 'cluster_brain'
seed: 1024
input_dim: 4
output_dim: 1
width: 10
depth: 3
transpose_dim: 1 # use 1 for transposing input if input is in: D x H x W. For example, for Task06_Lung from medicaldecathlon, this should be 1
weight_decay: 0.0005
lr: 0.001
iterations: 25000 # number of training iterations, it's worth to mention this is different from epoch
batch: 2 # batch size of labelled volumes
temp: 1.0 # temperature scaling on output, default as 1
contrast: False # random contrast augmentation
crop_aug: True # random crop augmentation
gaussian: False # random gaussian noise augmentation
new_size_d: 32 # crop size on depth (number of slices)
new_size_w: 128 # crop size on width
new_size_h: 128 # crop size on height
batch_u: 1 # this has to be zero in supervised setting, if set up larger than 0, semi-supervised learning will be used
pri_mu: 0.7 # mean of prior
pri_std: 0.15 # std of prior
flag_post_mu: 0 # flag for mean of posterior
flag_post_std: 0 # flag for std of posterior
flag_pri_mu: 0 # flag for mean of prior
flag_pri_std: 0 # flag for std of prior
alpha: 1.0 # weight on the unsupervised learning part if semi-supervised learning is used
warmup: 0.1 # ratio between warm-up iterations and total iterations
warmup_start: 0.4 # ratio between warm-up starting iteration and total iterations
beta: 1 # weight for pseudo supervision loss
conf_lower: 0.0 # lower bound for confidence threshold
resume: False # resume training or not
checkpoint_path: '/some/path/to/saved/model' # checkpoint path
To use semi-supervised learning, please enable the batch of unlabelled images larger than 0: batch_u: # positive integer. In kl_loss, we now included more flexible controls and different implementations of kl loss of the threshold of the pseudo labels. See the exact KL loss implementations in libs.Loss.kld_loss or kl_loss_test.py
To use the original implementation of bayesian pseudo labels from the MICCAI version. set up following flags:
- flag_post_mu: 0
- flag_post_std: 0
- flag_pri_mu: 0
- flag_pri_std: 0
We provide an alternative of use current model prediction confidence as prior so you don't need to tune pri_mu and pri_std. To test this configuration, please set up the following flags as:
- flag_post_mu: 0
- flag_post_std: 0
- flag_pri_mu: 1
- flag_pri_std: 1
To use random sampling from prior dist for the threshold, without learning the kl, please set up the following flags as:
- flag_post_mu: 2
- flag_post_std: 2
- flag_pri_mu: 0
- flag_pri_std: 0
To use supervised learning, simply set up batch_u: 0
This code base has been tested on whole tumour segmentation on Task 01 brain tumour data set downloaded from Medical Segmentation Decathlon: http://medicaldecathlon.com/
If you find our paper or code useful for your research, please consider citing:
title={Bayesian Pseudo Labels: Expectation Maximization and Maximization for Robust and Efficient Semi-Supervised Segmentation},
author={Xu, Moucheng and Zhou, Yukun and Jin, Chen and deGroot, Marius and Alexander, Daniel C. and Oxtoby, Neil P. and Hu, Yipeng and Jacob, Joseph},
booktitle = {International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI)},
year = {2022} }
Please contact 'xumoucheng28@gmail.com'
Massive thanks to my amazing colleagues at UCL and GSK including Yukun Zhou, Jin Chen, Marius de Groot, Fred Wilson, Danny Alexander, Neil Oxtoby, Yipeng Hu and Joe Jacob.