morsingher / modern_mvs

A modern C++/CUDA implementation of state-of-the-art Multi-View Stereo (MVS) algorithms, open to community contributions.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Modern PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo (MVS) Framework

This is an attempt to create a modern Multi-View Stereo (MVS), which is modern in two meanings:

  • The code should be written using modern standards (at least C++11) and modern practices to make it safe, easy to understand and maintainable (e.g. COLMAP).
  • The algorithms should be updated with state-of-the-art methods, like ACMM/ACMP. However, official implementations of these algorithms are unreadable and full of bugs.

The goal of this repository is to bring together the best of both worlds. MVS algorithms take a set of calibrated images (i.e. with both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters) and produce pixelwise estimates of depth, normal and cost, which can then be back-projected in 3D to obtain a full point cloud. For example, currently the code produce the following output for a scene from



The code has been tested in Ubuntu 20 with a NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU, but it should work with any reasonably recent version of CUDA and other required libraries.


Currently, there are the following dependencies:

  • cuda-api-wrappers, which is included in lib/ and linked statically. This is just a modern wrapper around CUDA host-side API, which we all know being awfully old-fashioned.
  • RapidJson is required to parse the configuration file. It can be easily installed with apt and it could even be removed in the future, if another file format is chosen.
  • OpenCV is needed to handle images IO and simple operations (such as resizing). I don't see a future where this can be removed, but it is very easy to install with apt.
  • Eigen is used for linear algebra. The main reason I decided to add Eigen is because it can be used inside CUDA kernels and it makes the code much more readable. OpenCV cannot be used in device-side code and raw arrays (e.g. in COLMAP) make things much less user-friendly (even if probably they are slightly faster).
  • PCL is used only to store and save the resulting point cloud. I use this for convenience, but in theory it could be removed as PLY files are easy to write anyway.


I use CMake as build system and the code can be built by simply running ./scripts/bash/ This will take care of the classical CMake pipeline and it should adapt to the available number of cores.


Currently, you need to run the code by executing the binary in the build/ folder and passing the configuration file as the only argument. There are plans to modify this in the future (see TODO list). The input folder is assumed to be structured as required by MVSNet (, mainly for compatibility. The correct format can be generated with existing repositories (, starting from the output of the COLMAP Structure-from-Motion library. The code will dump its output in the specified output folder.


I am more than happy to welcome any kind of suggestion or contribution. You can do it with both Github tools (such as Issues and Pull Requests) or by contacting me at Please format code using the .clang-format file provided. This can be done by running ./scripts/bash/


This repository is a work in progress and above all it serves for learning purposes. You can start to fix the TODOs below or you can read the code and point out other weak spots.

Short Term

In order to increase stability and correctness:

  • Write a bash script that can be run as ./scripts/bash/ <data_folder> and it takes care of everything
  • Look for TODOs in the code and fix them. They are either bad or unclear parts
  • Does io_utils.* make sense or should it just be removed?
  • Headers should be included with correct folder and only where needed
  • Set pointers as __restrict__ in CUDA code, where applicable
  • Pick a design choice between C++ exceptions and if/else statements
  • Classes are designed poorly (i.e. just to make them work) and should be improved
  • Include unit tests where possible to verify code correctness
  • Start Doxygen documentation
  • A lot of stuff in CUDA kernels could be moved to the configuration file. But should we do it? I don't know

Long Term

In order to add new features:


I would like to thank the authors of, and to open source their work and their papers, from which I took a lot of inspiration. Moreover, thanks to eyalroz for his awesome CUDA wrapper:!


A modern C++/CUDA implementation of state-of-the-art Multi-View Stereo (MVS) algorithms, open to community contributions.


Language:C++ 87.1%Language:Cuda 12.2%Language:CMake 0.4%Language:C 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%