mafei100 / cheetah_inekf_lcm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project contains a contact-aided invariant-ekf for Mini Cheetah with LCM. The program runs real-time on the UP Board computer inside Mini Cheetah.

This repository has the following features:

  • Use LCM for lightweight communication with other programs.
  • Allow asynchronous input from IMU, joint encoders, and contact events.
  • Allow user to customize for different input sources. (Including the contact events.)
  • Real-time performance (around 430 Hz) on the UP Board computer inside Mini Cheetah. (Tested alongside with the MIT Controller.)

Note: This repository uses LCM to achieve lightweight communication. If you wish to use ROS, you can refer to cheetah_inekf_realtime.



  1. cd to the downloaded folder and run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j2
  1. To run the program, you can use the following command:


Parameters can be modified in config/settings.yaml:

  • run_synced: Set to true if you wish to subscribe from a synced input topic.
  • estimator_enable_debug: Enable debug print on the screen.
  • estimator_publish_lcm: Enable LCM publisher for the estimated pose.
  • estimator_lcm_pose_channel: Name of the LCM channel for output robot pose.
  • estimator_static_bias_initialization: Enable static bias initialization using the first several measurements from IMU.
  • system_enable_pose_log_txt: Enable pose logger. Enable this will write down the estimated pose in a txt file.
  • system_inekf_kitti_pose_filename: Path for the logged txt file. Kitti means the file will be recorded following the Kitti format.
  • system_inekf_tum_pose_filename: Path for the logged txt file in TUM format.
  • lcm_leg_channel: LCM channel for joint encoder inputs. It contains q, qd, p, v, tau.
  • lcm_imu_channel: LCM channel for IMU inputs. It contains acceleration, omega, rpy, quaternion.
  • lcm_contact_est_channel: LCM channel for indicating contact events.
  • lcm_reinitialize_channel: LCM channel for reinitialization command. It contains a boolean value indicating if the filter needs to be reset.

Resetting the Filter

This program enables users to reset the filter whenever is needed.

  • To reset the filter, publish a true signal in the reinitialization_lcmt LCM type. (Don't forget to change the channel name in config/settings.yaml.)
  • Note that when the filter is reset, all previous paths, including the saved txt files will be reset.

Using Customized Contact Estimation

  • If you wish to use a customized source of contact events, publish your contact estimation results in contact_est[4] under LCM type wbc_test_data_t.
  • contact_est[4] denotes the contact event for each leg of the Mini Cheetah. 0 indicates no contact, and 1 indicates a firm contact.
  • If you would like to have reliable contact estimations, check out our recent work deep-contact-estimator and cheetah_inekf_realtime.


If you find this work useful, please kindly cite our publication in 2021 Conference on Robot Learning:

  • Tzu-Yuan Lin, Ray Zhang, Justin Yu, and Maani Ghaffari. "Legged Robot State Estimation using Invariant Kalman Filtering and Learned Contact Events." In Conference on robot learning. PMLR, 2021
   title={Legged Robot State Estimation using Invariant Kalman Filtering and Learned Contact Events},
   author={Tzu-Yuan Lin and Ray Zhang and Justin Yu and Maani Ghaffari},
   booktitle={5th Annual Conference on Robot Learning },


License:MIT License


Language:C++ 88.2%Language:Python 3.9%Language:Java 3.9%Language:C 2.8%Language:CMake 1.3%