- first pcb challenge https://github.com/kawashimaken/mic-tester-lm358-lm386
use ESP32 with L298N via wiimote https://github.com/kawashimaken/esp32-L298N-wiimote
[not that good] use ESP32 with L298N via PS3 bluetooth controller https://github.com/kawashimaken/esp32-L298N-ps3-controller
[servo is shaking] https://github.com/kawashimaken/esp32-joystick-remote-control-servos
private now, but will be public soon https://github.com/kawashimaken/esp32-internet-radio-v5
- STM32F103 with Arduino IDE, Hello world https://github.com/kawashimaken/STM32F103C8T6
MF Shield https://github.com/dncoder/MFShield
ST7789 lib for raspberry pi zero https://github.com/solinnovay/Python_ST7789
[MADE!]SAA1099 + Arduino (maybe make a PCB for it) A library to play MIDI tunes on the SAA1099 sound generator chip using an arduino https://github.com/Bobcatmodder/SAATunes
Brownie is an offline object detection app for M5StickV that will tell you the name of the object in a cute voice! https://github.com/ksasao/brownie
Adafruit Python GPIO lib https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka
If you want to use Heltec esp32 boards https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/Heltec_ESP32
[MADE!]ESP32Wiimote is a Arduino library that connects with a Wii remote. https://github.com/bigw00d/Arduino-ESP32Wiimote
balancing robot https://github.com/kawashimaken/BalancingWii
[MADE!] A spectrum analyzer VU meter running a 40kHz FFT on an ESP32 and outputting to a 16 x 16 FastLED matrix. https://github.com/s-marley/ESP32_FFT_VU
Nice Internet radio with M5StickC Plus https://github.com/prashantkamdar/M5StickCPLUS.internet_radio