kawashimaken / esp32-joystick-remote-control-servos

use joy stick to remotely control robot arms, using esp-now.

Home Page:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa2ixbKXAfQ

Repository from Github https://github.comkawashimaken/esp32-joystick-remote-control-servosRepository from Github https://github.comkawashimaken/esp32-joystick-remote-control-servos


what is this?

Take a look at description YouTube video click the picture below or click the link here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa2ixbKXAfQ]

folder description

  • esp_now_joystick_tx : sender platformio project
  • esp_now_joystick_rx : receiver platformio project

you need to do

This is using VSCode + platformio, you need to be familiar with platformio

libraries you need

find them in eache platformio.ini file

run the program find_mac_address first to find your ESP32(receiver)'s MAC address.

IMPORTANT:you need to make sure the serial port configuration is updated to yours!

change accordingly in your platformio.ini file


use joy stick to remotely control robot arms, using esp-now.


License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%