jn-goe / gruffi

Granular Functional Filtering (Gruffi) to isolate stressed cells

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


status: active

The Gruffi R package helps you (1) to identify stressed cells in single-cell RNA-seq datasets using granular funcitonal filtering, or (2) you can use it to analyze any gene set's pathway activity (GO-term or custom defined), and define a cell population based on their combined activity.

Gruffi integrates into any Seurat analysis pipelione & it comes with a graphical user interface.


  • v1.5.* is released, that fixes critical problems which arose with changes in dependencies and made the installation / pipeline break. Additionally it contains updates necessary to work with Seurat v5 objects.
  • Now it is more explicit that GO-annotation can either be obtained via BioMart or AnnotationDbi, which is helpful, as BioMart connection is not always working. For the same reason, it now allows the usage of alternative mirrors for BioMart (thanks to @zuzkamat).
  • Major consistency update in function names, see below.
  • Consistency update in variable names (in @misc and @meta.data), for the latter, this update is not backward compatible, meaning earlier results needs manual adjustments in those names to run. Recommended is to rerun the new version.
  • Major cleanup and of the codebase. Granule average scores are now stored as numeric rather than factor.

Added functionality

  • FindThresholdsAuto() that is a shiny free version FindThresholdsShiny(), which allows an automated workflow without the need for graphical output (thanks to @heyfl). We still strongly recommend the shiny based workflow that enforces users to look at the results and intermediate steps instead of blidnly taking a TRUE / FALSE column.
  • New visualization functions, incuding:
    GrScoreUMAP(obj = combined.obj, colname = 'RNA_snn_res.6_cl.av_GO.0042063', miscname = 'thresh.stress.ident1')
    GrScoreHistogram(obj = combined.obj, colname = 'RNA_snn_res.6_cl.av_GO.0042063', miscname = 'thresh.stress.ident1')
  • New helper functions that allow a simpler workflow and shorter codebase.


You can install dependencies from CRAN, Bioconductor and GitHub via devtools:

# Install CRAN & Bioconductor dependencies

# Install custom dependencies
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/Stringendo", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/CodeAndRoll2", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/ReadWriter", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/MarkdownHelpers", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/Markdownreports", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/ggExpress", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/Seurat.utils", upgrade = F)

# Install gruffi
devtools::install_github(repo = "jn-goe/gruffi", upgrade = F)

NOTE: If you type 'all' when R asks to update dependencies, you may get into installation errors / infinite loops. If updating fails, type 'no' when prompted.



1. Setup

Load your Seurat single-cell object of interest (in the following combined.obj), perform basic analysis steps (Integration, PCA, Clustering) and calculate 2D and 3D umaps.


combined.obj <- Seurat.utils::SetupReductionsNtoKdimensions(obj = combined.obj, nPCs = 50, dimensions=3:2, reduction="umap")
# Note that this will recalculate 2D and 3D umaps, and back them up in combined.obj@misc$reductions.backup. 
# See FAQ.md, if you don't want to overwrite the 2D UMAP.

If you want to store multiple UMAP's, you have to keep them in backup slot (in combined.obj@misc). Use combined.obj <- RecallReduction(obj = combined.obj, dim = 2, reduction="umap") to access them.

Prepare GO-terms and gene-sets

go1 <- "GO:0006096" # Glycolysis
go2 <- "GO:0034976" # ER-stress
go3 <- "GO:0042063" # Gliogenesis, negative filtering

2. Granule partitioning

Gruffi works best if you partition cells into groups of 100-200 cells. Find the corresponding clustering resolution by:

combined.obj <- AutoFindGranuleResolution(obj = combined.obj)

The optimal resolution found is stored in:

(granule.res.4.gruffi <- GetGruffiClusteringName(combined.obj)) # Recalled from @misc$gruffi$'optimal.granule.res.

Some granules have too few cells, therfore their scoring is not robust statistically. Use ReassignSmallClusters to assign these cells to the nearest large-enough granule:

combined.obj <- ReassignSmallClusters(combined.obj, ident = granule.res.4.gruffi) # Will be stored in meta data column as "seurat_clusters.reassigned".

Above, granules with <30 cells are cell-by-cell re-assigned to a neighboring granule (by default based on Euclidean distance between the mean of cell groups in 3dim UMAP space). The reassigned granules are suffixed as :

(granule.res.4.gruffi <- GetGruffiClusteringName(combined.obj))

3. Pathway scoring

After finding the right granule resolution, first GO scores per cells, then average GO-scores per granule (normalized for respective cell numbers) are computed. Within the GO score computation an ensembl database will be loaded (that you created above as ensembl).

# Glycolytic process	GO:0006096
combined.obj <- AssignGranuleAverageScoresFromGOterm(obj = combined.obj, GO_term = go1, save.UMAP = TRUE, new_GO_term_computation = T, clustering = granule.res.4.gruffi, plot.each.gene = F)

# ER stress 	GO:0034976
combined.obj <- AssignGranuleAverageScoresFromGOterm(obj = combined.obj, GO_term = go2, save.UMAP = TRUE, new_GO_term_computation = T, clustering = granule.res.4.gruffi, plot.each.gene = F)

# Gliogenesis		GO:0042063
combined.obj <- AssignGranuleAverageScoresFromGOterm(obj = combined.obj, GO_term = go3, save.UMAP = TRUE, new_GO_term_computation = T, clustering = granule.res.4.gruffi, plot.each.gene = F)

These functions store the resulting scores in combined.obj@meta.data.

4. Stress filtering

We will now call a Shiny Interface to auto-estimate and/or manually adjust the stress assignment threeholds via FindThresholdsShiny().

  • The first 2 scores are for features to filter out (e.g.: cells with high ER stress and glycolysis),
  • and the last 2 scores are for features we want to keep (e.g.: cells with high gliogenesis).

Example code for filtering cells high in glycolytic process and ER stress but low in gliogenesis:

# Create score names:
(i1 <- ParseGruffiGranuleScoreName(goID = go1))
(i2 <- ParseGruffiGranuleScoreName(goID = go2))
(i3 <- ParseGruffiGranuleScoreName(goID = go3))

# Call Shiny app
combined.obj <- FindThresholdsShiny(obj = combined.obj,
                                stress.ident1 = i1,
                                stress.ident2 = i2,
                                notstress.ident3 = i3)

"Dont forget to click the button in the app: Save New Thresholds"

The interface allows automatic estimation and manual adjustment of thresholds for stress scores:

ShinyInterface_Vel Org7 d90 ImpV

After pushing the Save new thresholds button in the Shiny graphical user interface, thresholds are saved in combined.obj@misc$gruffi and the stress assignment is stored as a new @meta.data column, is.Stressed. Check results with:

5. Visualize results

StressBarplotPerCluster(combined.obj,  group.by = GetClusteringRuns()[1])
GrScoreHistogram(combined.obj, colname = i1, miscname = "thresh.stress.ident1")
# and more

6. Remove stressed cells

cellIDs.keep <- which_names(!combined.obj$'is.Stressed')
subset.obj <- subset(x = combined.obj, cells = cellIDs.keep)  

StressUMAP(subset.obj, title = "No Stressed Cells Remain After Gruffi", suffix = "after.cleanup")


For Errors, Problems & Questions: please see the FAQ or raise an issue in the github repository. We try to answer.


Granular Functional Filtering (Gruffi) to isolate stressed cells

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:R 100.0%