hansinahuja / 32-Bit-ALU

A 32-bit ALU using combinational logic written in Verilog.

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******** README ********

NOTE:- We are only submitting the verilog .v source files i.e. the VIVADO Design sources.The complete vivado project is available at https://www.github.com/hansinahuja/32-Bit-ALU.git . It can be made public on demand.

CS203: 			Digital Logic Design
Instructor: 		Dr. Neeraj Goel
Project: 		32 Bit ALU
Contributors:		Hansin Ahuja (2018csb1094)
	       		Paras Goyal (2018csb1111)

*** Features ***
1) Fast adder:			control 0
2) Multiplier:			control 1
3) Subtractor:			control 2
4) Logical left shift:		control 3
5) Logical right shift:		control 4
6) Arithmetic right shift:	control 5
7) Bitwise AND:			control 6
8) Bitwise OR:			control 7
9) Bitwise NOT:			control 8
10) Bitwise XOR:		control 9
11) Comparison:			control 10

*** How to run ***
The module 'main.v' takes 3 inputs:
1) A		32 bit
2) B		32 bit
3) control	4 bit

and gives 6 outputs:
1) S		32 bit
2) carry	1 bit
3) overflow	1 bit
4) lessthan	1 bit
5) equalto	1 bit
6) zero		1 bit

*** Behaviour ***
1) S: stores result of the operation performed on A and B as indicated by the control input. The operation is only performed on input A if is a single input function, i.e. bitwise shift or bitwise NOT.

2) carry:
	if control = 0: 	stores carry generated by addition of A and B
	else if control = 2: 	stores carry generated by 2s complement subtraction of A and B, ie carry = 1 for a positive result and carry = 0 for a negative result
	else:			carry = 0

3) overflow:
	if control = 1:		overflow = 1 if multiplication of A and B yields a result which cannot be stored in 32 bits or if the result of multiplication is a negative number (33rd Bit is considered as sign bit here). Else, overflow = 0.
	else:			overflow = 0

4) lessthan:
	if control = 10:	lessthan = 1 if A < B. Else, lessthan = 0.
	else:			lessthan = 0

5) equalto:
	if control = 10:	lessthan = 1 if A = B. Else, lessthan = 0.
	else:			lessthan = 0

6) zero:
	= 1 if S = 0 and control != 10
	= 0 if S != 0 or control = 10


A 32-bit ALU using combinational logic written in Verilog.


Language:C 49.3%Language:Verilog 16.9%Language:JavaScript 13.8%Language:Tcl 9.3%Language:Shell 5.6%Language:HTML 4.5%Language:Batchfile 0.4%Language:Pascal 0.2%Language:PureBasic 0.0%