dom128 / Atomic-Orbitals-in-Blender

Use Blender's powerfull raytracing engine to plot atomic wavefunctions and probability densities in 3D space.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Atomic-Orbitals-in-Blender $\psi_{n m l}$

Use Blender's powerfull raytracing engine to plot hydrogen-like atomic wavefunctions and probability density distributions in 3D space.

(left) Wave function $\psi_{6 3 1}(\vec{x}) = \langle \vec{x} | n=6,m=3,l=1 \rangle $ (right) Probability density distribution $\rho (\vec{x}) = ||\psi_{6 3 1}(\vec{x})||^2$

alt text (left) Probability density distributions $\rho (\vec{x}) = ||\psi_{n m l}(\vec{x})||^2$ (rigth) Wave functions $\psi_{n m l}(\vec{x}) = \langle \vec{x} | n,m,l \rangle $


Use Blender's powerfull raytracing engine to plot atomic wavefunctions and probability densities in 3D space.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0