Robust Pose Graph Optimization

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Specify GTSAM version requirements

btalb opened this issue · comments

I'm compiling against GTSAM 4.0.3 and get the following error:

/home/pc/repos/vlu_pipeline/core/kimera-rpgo/src/RobustSolver.cpp:16:10: fatal error: gtsam/nonlinear/GncOptimizer.h: No such file or directory
   16 | #include <gtsam/nonlinear/GncOptimizer.h>                                                        
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     

From what I can see, this file was only recently introduced in this commit:

ben@pc:~/repos/vlu_pipeline/support/gtsam$ git log --diff-filter=A -- gtsam/nonlinear/GncOptimizer.h
commit fcf2d316848cb54b50513af27f7a1f00501b119b
Author: lcarlone <>
Date:   Sat Dec 5 13:47:40 2020 -0500

    moved class to .h

Which is newer than even the latest 4.1rc of GTSAM:

ben@pc:~/repos/vlu_pipeline/support/gtsam$ git log -n1 4.1rc 
commit 4c0e87be78053cbe26af4e18a4edea292d0bfb77 (tag: 4.1rc, origin/release/4.1.0)
Merge: 02cd45d4b b74c053c6
Author: Fan Jiang <>
Date:   Sun Aug 23 22:52:04 2020 -0400

    Merge pull request #493 from borglab/feature/fix_foreach
    Make sure our readme is proper restructuredText

GTSAM uses a develop branch as the default which changes very frequently. Until there's a version that includes the required header, can you at least suggest a minimum required commit hash (like you've done for Kimera VIO:


Thank you for you comment! We will be sure to address this soon!