KDahir247 / Journey_ECS

Fast Minimal Sparse set for Odin Language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Fast Minimal Sparse set for Odin Language Which is being used in Odin-Journey.

Currently It is works, but still on heavy WIP


  • Fast single component iteration & entity iteration (Dense array iteration)
  • Unlimitied amount of component can be added
  • Very minimal Only does what it needs and nothing more.
  • SOA component dense array
  • Extremely fast grouping and sub grouping query (eg. Entity with position and scale)
  • Reduced memory consumption on sparse array
  • Allow upto or more then 1 Million entity


  • small to no checks so undefined behaviour on invalid use (so call register before adding component and make sure when removing a component entity actually has component or call has_component with a if statement)
  • Slighly higher memory due to sparse array with holes (mitigated my using pagination)
  • No shared component model out of the box (this is passed to the user and I don't see this as a limitation)
  • Iterate from first to last, so adding or removing component while iterating may cause invalidation (user can easily add a run function that iterate last to first to resolve this), so adding and removing component should happen outside iterating loop of the same component/s.

Working Progress

  • Optimization and profile code solution
  • Implement Resource for unique component (1 per unique component)
  • Implement Bulk function (eg. bulk register component, bulk add component)
  • Writing Test
  • Simd Iteration, since the data layout is already optimal for SIMD
  • allocation aware

Example of code

package main

import ecs "foldername that has this single script"

main :: proc(){

    world := ecs.init_world()
    defer ecs.deinit_world(world)

    Position :: struct{
        val : #simd[4]f32,

    Rotation :: struct{
        val : #simd[4]f32,

    Scale :: struct{
        val : #simd[4]f32,

    Velocity :: struct{
        val : #simd[4]f32,

    ecs.register(world, Position)
    ecs.register(world, Rotation)
    ecs.register(world, Scale)
    ecs.register(world, Velocity)
    entity := ecs.create_entity(world)
    entity1 := ecs.create_entity(world) 
    entity2 := ecs.create_entity(world) 
    entity3 := ecs.create_entity(world) 
    entity4 := ecs.create_entity(world)

    velocityx := Velocity{
        val = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},

    postion_x := Position{
        val = {2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},

    postion_y := Position{
        val = {0.0,3.14,0.0,0.0},

    position_xy := Position{
        val = {24.0,7.11,0.0,0.0},

    Quaternion_IDENTITY := Rotation{
        val = {0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0},

    ecs.add_soa_component(world, entity2, velocityx)
    ecs.add_soa_component(world, entity1, postion_x)
    ecs.add_soa_component(world, entity2, postion_y)
    ecs.add_soa_component(world, entity2, Quaternion_IDENTITY)

    ecs.add_soa_component(world, entity, position_xy)
    ecs.add_soa_component(world, entity, Quaternion_IDENTITY)

    postion_scale_query := ecs.query(world, Velocity, Scale,4) //register and sort using group
    position_rotation_query := ecs.query(world, Position, Rotation,4) //register and sort using group

    position_rotation_query1 := ecs.query(world, Position, Rotation,4) //doesn't register or sort using group uses the cache result
    postion_scale_query1 := ecs.query(world, Velocity, Scale,4) //doesn't register or sort using group uses the cache result
     for component_storage, index in ecs.run(&position_rotation_query){
        mut_component_storage := component_storage

        if component_storage.entities[index] == 2{
            fmt.println("Moving the player entity", component_storage.entities[index] , "Right by 100" )
            mut_component_storage.component_a[index].val += {100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}

        fmt.print(component_storage.entities[index], " :\t")
        fmt.print(component_storage.component_a[index], "\t")


Pull request, Issues, Contribution and Discussion on the design and implementation on the Journey_ECS is welcomed.


Fast Minimal Sparse set for Odin Language

License:MIT License


Language:Odin 100.0%