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In this tutorial, we are going to build a Restricted Boltzmann Machine using TensorFlow that will give us recommendations based on movies that have been watched already. The datasets we are going to use are acquired from GroupLens and contains movies, users, and movie ratings by these users.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:8Issues:4Issues:0


In this tutorial, learn how to use Watson Knowledge Studio to annotate reviews for auto repair facilities. After annotating the reviews, you can then train a machine learning model that can analyze the reviews. The model is able to determine what types of repairs were needed by the vehicle and how satisfied the customer was with the quality of work. By analyzing the reviews associated with a given auto repair shop, you can generate insights about that shop's overall performance to determine what types of repairs they're most (and least) skilled at.


Imagine boarding the Titanic in 2021, and you have provided all your details as a passenger to the captain. There is are three people involved, the data scientist, captain and the passenger. Imagine the company who has built Titanic has created a machine ML model to predict the rate of survival of the passengers, in case of a disaster. The job of the data scientist is to make a model that is explainable to the passengers who are not technical, and that they get the answer about the reasons why they may not survive.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:5Issues:3Issues:0


Sample application to demonstrate the usage of App ID Spring Boot Starter



Fairness in data, and machine learning algorithms is critical to building safe and responsible AI systems from the ground up by design. Both technical and business AI stakeholders are in constant pursuit of fairness to ensure they meaningfully address problems like AI bias. While accuracy is one metric for evaluating the accuracy of a machine learning model, fairness gives us a way to understand the practical implications of deploying the model in a real-world situation.



Within a bank’s loan department, a customer’s application undergoes a lot of scrutiny before a decision of approval or rejection is made. The evaluation process can take a while, which opens the possibility of the bank losing a potential customer. To reduce the decision-making time and to increase the accuracy of the decisions being made, we can now use machine learning solutions. This allows customer representative to make predictions about a loan application quickly.



Now a days businesses also use chatbots to increase productivity and provide a better customer experience. This demo aims to automate the banking experience for customers regarding loan applications using Watson Studio machine learning, Cloud function, and then extend the Watson Assistant chatbot’s capabilities by connecting it to WhatsApp using Twilio. We will be using Twilio’s sandbox to show how this integration works.


In this workshop, we are going to create a customer service Assistant for a bank. We are looking to automate some of the top questions that are reaching our agents via support chat on our site,in this scenario - people trying to transfer money to friends or family.


In this tutorial, we will use IBM Cloud Pak for Data to build a predictive machine learning model with IBM SPSS Modeler and decide whether a bank customer will default on a loan. IBM Cloud Pak for Data is an interactive, collaborative, cloud-based environment that allows developers and data scientists to work collaboratively, gain insight from data and build machine learning models.


In this workshop you will learn how to connect your IBM Cloudant instance with your application.


In this workshop, we are going to create a customer service Assistant for a bank. We are looking to automate some of the top questions that are reaching our agents via support chat on our site in this scenario - people trying to transfer money to friends or family.


Resources for you from our three-day, virtual conference.


In this tutorial, learn how to create a Jupyter Notebook that contains Python code for defining logistic regression, then use TensorFlow (tf.keras) to implement it. The Notebook runs on IBM Cloud Pak® for Data as a Service on IBM Cloud®. The IBM Cloud Pak for Data platform provides additional support, such as integration with multiple data sources, built-in analytics, Jupyter Notebooks, and machine learning. It also offers scalability by distributing processes across multiple computing resources. You can choose to create assets in Python, Scala, and R, and use open source frameworks (such as TensorFlow) that are already installed on the IBM Cloud Pak for Data as a Service platform.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:3Issues:0


In this code pattern, we will integrate Instana with a polyglot microservice travel application on OpenShift. Instana is a fully automated Enterprise Observability solution, with infrastructure monitoring and Application Performance Management (APM), designed specifically for the challenges of managing microservice and cloud-native applications. We will generate traffic to the application using Puppeteer and analyze the traffic on the Instana dashboard. The travel application used in this code pattern is a part of the Bee Travels project that focuses on some of the first version services of the application.



This tutorial shows you how to deploy, scale, update and rollback your application on Red Hat OpenShift. All of these features are essential to make sure that the developer can deliver their software safely in case of adding new features, updating images, fixing bugs or rolling back an update.



AutoAI is a tool that automates machine learning tasks to ease the tasks of data scientists. It automatically prepares your data for modeling, chooses the best algorithm for your problem, and creates pipelines for the trained models, and it can be run in public clouds and in private clouds, including IBM Cloud Pak for Data. In this workshop we will be focusing on Customer Churn using AutoAI


In this Workshop, you’ll learn how with App ID, you can easily protect your Node.js front-end web applications. we will have a simple authentication flow up and running in less than 20 minutes. we will learn how to customise our login page and add several features of App ID.


This series will focus on how to easily add authentication to web apps with zero code changes and no redeploy, how to secure a Spring boot Application and lastly how to Ensure that the correct people have the approved access to sensitive data of an application.



IBM Developer Resources for TADHackZA 2021 virtual event from 24 to 26 September 2021 "Emerging from the Pandemic - Collaboration and Monetisation towards the 41R".



Explainability of AI models is a difficult task which is made simpler by Cortex Certifai. It evaluates AI models for robustness, fairness, and explainability, and allows users to compare different models or model versions for these qualities. Certifai can be applied to any black-box model including machine learning models, predictive models and works with a variety of input datasets.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:0Issues:4Issues:0


Kafka provides a framework for analyzing streaming data, which is highly scalable and offers high performance. Kafka is a distributed system, which reduces downtime and also allows it to handle high-velocity and high-volume data. The reactive programming paradigm is a key skill for Apache Kafka-centric applications.



In this workshop, you can use the tools provided by the Assistant service with skills that will directly help your customers. We will walk you through the process of creating your first Assistant-powered chatbot through its intuitive interface.



Customer churn is an important aspect for any business, it gives them insights about their prospective customers. In this tutorial we will be predicting customer churn of car owners. We will be utilizing Watson data refinery to alter our data, and then use AutoAI to rapdliy develop a classfication machine learning model in a matter of minutes and predict our customer chrun.



Chatbots are everywhere these days, and most businesses aim to use them to increase productivity and provide a better customer experience. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to extend a Watson Assistant chatbot's capabilities by connecting it to WhatsApp using Twilio. We will be using Twilio's sandbox to show how this integration works.



In this series you will learn how to get started with IBM Cloud platform, deploying your application on IBM Cloud, how to connect database to your application and securely monitor it. You will also learn how to create predictive models to enhance user experience of your application. 



Let's talk about Tekton pipelines!



In this workshop we will walk you through how you can grant access to specific resources by defining runtime actions and assigning role-based permissions to your users using App ID. You will also learn how the sample application validates users' scopes to provide a different experience according to their role.



We're going to take a quick tour of the Data Refinery tool. Data Refinery can quickly filter and mutate data, create quick visualizations, and do other data cleansing tasks from an easy to use user interface.



In this workshop we will talk about the Data Science Lifecycle and what all data scientists do in their day-to-day jobs. We will be also showing you some tools to get started with your journey in the world of data science.



A repository for you to get started with Open Source development, this would be a 1st step in contributing, start simple and then start growing!
