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Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming businesses and will contribute to economic growth via contributions to productivity. They will also help address challenges in areas of healthcare, technology & other areas. At the same time, these technologies will transform the nature of work and the workplace itself. In this code pattern, we will focus on building state of the art systems for churning out predictions which can be used in different scenarios.



Use Watson Assistant for Voice Interaction to converse with callers in real time as an AI assistant. Step through the details of creating an AI agent which integrates with the telephone network by using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and using IBM Voice Agent with Watson.



As enterprises move workloads to the cloud, transparency and visibility across development and operations (DevOps) teams are really important. The real power of the Slack messaging platform is to help teams collaborate and coordinate their work no matter where they are located, in the field office, at home, or anywhere around the globe. This tutorial shows you how to set up a toolchain of IBM Cloud services that uses a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) stack to maintain and deploy applications running on a Kubernetes cluster. Then, it shows how you can enhance the collaboration experience within your DevOps team by integrating the toolchain with the Slack platform so your Slack channel receives notifications about deployment activities.



Lets collect, clean, predict and deploy your data science pipeline on IBM Cloud. As we all know a data science pipeline consists of various steps, which certainly starts with collecting your data from different data sources, then we come to understanding the data making sure that we are able to get meaning out of it and we clean it by managing missing values and normalizing it and then we train and deploy our machine learning model which is followed by getting feedback from the models result and re-evaluating it.



Use Watson Assistant to automate online order processing during pandemics



This tutorial demonstrates how to work with OpenShift Serverless



repo to store all assets (such as notebooks, data, etc) for Watson Studio Learning Path tutorials



Develop a fully featured Node.js web app built on the Watson Discovery Service



This Code Pattern is part of the series Extracting Textual Insights from Videos with IBM Watson. Please complete the Extract audio from video, Build custom Speech to Text model with speaker diarization capabilities and Use advanced NLP and tone analysis to extract meaningful insights code patterns of the series before continuing further since all the code patterns are linked.



This code pattern is part of the Bee Travels project that focuses on deploying a python currency exchange application to Openshift 4 using Redhat's Universal Base Image(UBI)



A Chatbot for ordering a pizza that demonstrates how using the IBM Watson Assistant Slots feature, one can fill out an order, form, or profile.



Build a Node.js chatbot that uses Watson services and webhooks to query an owner's manual



Materials for the Call for Code 2020 solution starter kit for crisis communication in the context of COVID-19.
